Bloody Lawyers

THE Victorian Education Department will spend up to $500,000 on legal fees fighting a discrimination case brought by a deaf boy denied a classroom interpreter.
The boy’s mother, Robyn Beasley, believes an interpreter would cost about $35,000, but says the department would rather spend hundreds of thousands of dollars fighting her son Dylan in court.
Reality check, Robyn. If the Department don’t fight the case they will be forced to supply an interpreter in each class that has a deaf student. If they lose, each and every deaf kid in the state will turn up at the local state school with their parents demanding a place in a class and an interpreter. I’m sure sending your hearing impaired child to the local school would be a lot cheaper for the parents than the current set up. It would cost millions. But what do the lawyers care.


  • These issues are interesting.

    How much does the inclusion of children with disabilities impact on the other kids present.

    No easy answer to these things.

  • Dead right. It’s been my opinion for years that the move to ignore reality and mix deaf or blind or mentally disabled kids with others does no good for either group.

  • The warm and fuzzy illogical social engineers have hijacked the government by demanding what they want, life is not like that, but politicians, to win votes, have pandered to the selfish.

    During the fifties government supplied schools and special places for those inflicted by disability, thirty years later the Hawke and Keating with all state Labor governments changed the system. A generation later, we as a nation are in the quicksand pit of poor government policy and legislation.