Fats Domino missing in New Orleans

News to hand indicates Fats Domino is missing in the New Orleans disaster.I grew up with Fats on the radio and can still sing all the words of Blueberry Hill.
Domino has sold more than 110 million records in his long career, including the legendary singles Blueberry Hill and Ain’t That a Shame. His 1950 recording of The Fat Man is sometimes called the first real rock ‘n’ roll record. He was among the first honourees to the Rock’n’Roll Hall of Fame. New Orleans police could not confirm if Domino was missing, nor if any official search had been made.
There are indications that New Orleans may not be rebuilt but I find it hard to imagine a world without it’s cosmopolitan face and hope it isn’t true. I can only offer my heart felt sympathy to those inflicted by natures savagery. Meanwhile PM Howard offers practical assistance:
“We have been in touch overnight Australian time with the Federal Emergency Management Authority which is the key body in the US co-ordinating relief and we have offered a special emergency team of up to 20 experts from Australia which we will send to the US immediately in order to help.”
UPDATE: A lot of people are busy trying to work out how to blame President Bush for the disaster and when they can’t, they misquote Bush to make him appear stupid. Tim Blair has a post on this very subject where Tony Jones of ABC Lateline fame waves the flag of Bush’s so called stupidity. Bush refers to Hurricane Katrina and says;
We are dealing with one of the worst natural disasters in our nation’s history.
The ABC reporter Norman Hermant edits this to read;
The recovery, he said, will take years, from what could be America’s worst natural disaster in a century .
And Tony Jones, seeing a chance to make Bush look stupid says;
President George W. Bush says the recovery may take years and he’s called this one of America’s worst natural disasters this century.
Which would have had all the ABC Luvvies nodding their heads wisely at Bush’s stupidity. I find it very annoying and would think a good proportion of ABC viewers and young people actually think Bush is stupid all based on this type of unbalanced reporting. Bloody ABC.