Leaps tall buildings in a single bound

I’m often heard to say “I used to leap tall buildings, now I only limp around them” but there is hope for even us old diggers. New Scientist report…SPIDERMAN does it, so does James Bond. Now a gadget has been developed to allow US marines to zip up the sides of buildings or ships with virtually no effort.
All you do is fire a rope to the top of the structure using a harpoon gun or grappling hook, and then fit the rope into the device, called PowerQuick, which attaches to your climbing harness. Then just sit back and squeeze a lever.
I could tell you about something like this we were using 20 years ago but if I did, someone from Defence would have to come around and kill me for talking inside the thirty year rule.. If they still care enough….anyway…. Life for the soldier just keeps getting better as the system keeps coming up with better toys.


  • Kev, you would remember that horrible device that someone in DSTO invented that had a digger in a harness, a bungy cord and a frame that looked like a pair of goalposts with a wire strung between that was supposed to catch a hook from a low flying aircraft, hauling up the digger in the harness at 0-60mph in about .00005 seconds.

    As I recall, they couldn’t get any live volunteers to test the thing, so they used a dummy for a test run, and the hook from the aircraft ripped the dummy’s head off.

    (About 1975 at Dochra airstrip in Singleton, 30 year rule applies :-))

    Back to the drawing board!

  • I don’t understand…it works in Hollywood movies…I’ve seen it. Bloody RAAF, they most probably thought it was a digger and aimed for his head.

  • Kev,are you inferring that Ronnie could hit what he was aiming at?

  • Silly of me Paul, I know but if I’m not reminded of Ronnie’s standards every now and then I forget. Thanks for reminding me.

  • You being “A Tracker” was not trained in leaping tall buildings Kev, Labs don’t jump that high.

  • You made my day, Bob. Comments don’t often make me burst out laughing but your’s did. By the way, I have reverted to my youth and taken on a black lab bitch to replace the old doting retreiver. Now if I could just find some old dog handling books I’d be right….