Good News Day

US air strikes kill al-Qaeda suspects. Operating on the Syrian border the US forces have killed 47 al-Qaeda terrorists
Around 50 militants associated with Abu Musab al-Zarqawi, the al-Qaeda frontman in Iraq, were in a safe house in the border town of Husaybah at the time, the military said without giving details of casualties.
They did however state that 3 airstikes delivered 8 bombs for the total of 47 killed. Good stats guys. On the home front police have arrested 7 unwashed, dreadlock adorned tree huggers at Sydney Any way we can get the RAAF involved in Sydney. They are just as accurate as the US. UPDATE: Arab News says bombing count now 56 and the protestors in Sydney were duped when organizors secretly scheduled the Forbes dinner at the Overseas Passenger Terminal rather than the Opera House. Tee hee hee.