Forbes Conference

A report from suggests the scene is set for a clash tonight. Wait for the ABC and SBS to give all sorts of weird tree hugging hippies oxygen as they quote them on the news.
SYDNEY Opera House has been locked down for the first time, with thousands of protesters expected to converge today when Prime Minister John Howard opens a conference of global chiefs.
Good. Protest group, the 30A Network, promised a peaceful demonstration today.
“We think the police have grossly overreacted by erecting so much fortification,” 30A spokesman Bruce Knobloch told “If there really are 1000 officers who have been seconded to the protest you’ve got to worry about the sense of perspective in the hierarchy of NSW Police.”
You might worry about the sense of perspective but I think the rest of the country will think it reasonable. Water cannons would be good…clean up the freaks a bit…wash out their dreadlocks…can’t wait.