No ecstacy in Indonesia

Some years back, Oh…. OK, 33 years ago, I was a young Sergeant on leave in Bangkok riding in a cab between dens of iniquity when a US Army MP vehicle drove by. Being of an exuberant disposition at the time I gave them the finger, with a smile. The MP’s grinned and waved back but not so the Thai Police Lieutenant in the back seat. He went beserk. Pulled our cab over, ripped open the door, all 5 foot 2 inches of him, and demanded I alight and get in the police car. The US MPs were keeping very straight faces even when I tried to pass the event off as a standard Aussie greeting. Didn’t wash. I had my arm through the pillar of the door resisting arrest when all resistance faded with the introduction of the Lieutenant’s service revolver being rammed into my stomach. Visions of the terror of Thai goals came to mind on the way to the police station as the US MP sergeant waxed philosophically about the sentences people, including Farangs, get for showing public disrespect to an officer of the Thai police. Instantly sober, I ended up standing in front of the Lieutenant in his office with my heels together and my Aussie Infantry Sergeant arrogance and confidence brought to heel as well “I most humbly apologize to you Sir, for my appaling behaviour…..” I got away with it but fear is a good tutor and from that day on, for the rest of my military career, at least while in SE Asia, I was more circumspect about body language and obscene gestures. I learnt, when in Rome….. Now it seems our youth aren’t picking up on the ‘When in Rome…’ principle. The list of young Aussies getting done for drugs in Indonesia keeps getting longer and some think that instant conversian to Islam may help their case. The ‘When in Rome…principle does not include cynical discovery of other Gods to suit the current circumstances. It simply means don’t get caught breaking local rules in the first place. With the recent cases getting full TV and newspaper coverage you would think that all would be aware of the situation in Indonesia. The fact that they are still getting done for drugs can only mean these people are astonishingly dumb or don’t take in any news at all, which almost amounts to the same thing. The little ‘pretty’ in Indonesia currently discussing her possession of two ecstasy tablets with the authorities has decided that the Burka is the way to go. I have always been a bit cynical about felons finding God in the lockup and think the Judges will as well.
Family spokesman Sean Mulcahy said Leslie had decided to cover up for religious purposes.
A lot could and will be said about the fact that she was only carrying two tablets but all that needs to be said is that the Indonesian law considers this a crime and she is in Indonesia. You’d have to be pretty dumb to carry anything more powerful than asprin in the current Indonseian drug war but hey, she has only come across so far as pretty, not pretty smart. Like Schappele, I feel sorry for her and her family but when in Rome…… UPDATE: In this article just to hand, lawyers for Australian model Michelle Leslie have apologised to Australia’s Islamic community for any offence caused by her decision to adopt Muslim dress. However her lawyer Mr Malcahy said Ms Leslie first started practising Islam 18 months ago and formally became a Muslim a year ago. Well, I stand corrected on her recently finding another God in the lock up….maybe We’ll see.