
Received this email from a reader. I have checked out previously with a Mac user but nothing is obvious. Does anyone else have trouble reading my right hand column?
Your site’s right -hand column is still a total jumble for me. I have no trouble with any other of scores of sites I visit. Has anyone else mentioned this to you? I have an Apple Macintosh and use various browsers; I am not technically inclined and therefore cannot suggest anything (re the writing code/s used on setting up your site and so forth).


  • Concur. It’s a complete dogs breakfast using Opera.Then again, my dogs aren’t fussy eaters.

  • It’s pretty mashed up when I view it in Mozilla. You can see a screen shot here.

  • Thanks for the screen shot Dave. TM, is that what you see?

    Anyone. What can I do about it other than suggesting you shouldn’t be using weird-shit browsers?

    I now intend to download Opera and Mosilla and see what I can do myself.

  • Using Firefox 1.06 and the right side is mashed.

    And don’t give me shit about “weird-shit browsers”…
    If you’re still using IE you need your head examining.

  • Careful with FireFox (Mozilla). You might like it and start using it. I’ve been using it for more than a year now. Tabbed browsing is GREAT. I’m never going back to IE.

  • Ok, I’m joining the 21st Century and going Firefox and friend Gary will look at coding tomorrow.

    See what you started TM. Thanks all for input and rsultant better site…soon

  • Kev, I’ve not had any recent problems with the layout……until tonight. The whole page is overlapping until, I discovered, I “mouse over” the links on the left. It then displays the rest of the page correctly. Using IE 6+.

  • Wallace,

    IE is not the problem although while we play with coding it will be. Bare with me while I make it acceptable to IE and Firefox etc

  • I have a Mac OSX Tiger, and Safari browser. Today is the first day that the right hand side hasn’t been “overlaid” with that weather thingy, and crisscroosed with lines.
    Geeks been at work?

  • Yes, I don’t think Mac is the problem – it’s just browsers. A pity I never realized what the my page looked like under alternative browsers. It will get better as the night rolls on.

  • Looks a lot better in firefox Kev. But in I.E the right column is stuck at the bottom. How about using P&C’s three column template?

  • Lookin’ good in FireFox now, but you already knew that. Thanks for making the fixes.

  • New design! Looks good , working fine.

  • Much better! Nice color too, easy on your old…err…my eyes. Sorry sah.