
Barnaby Joyce has become a headline himself – just use his christian name and every one knows who and what. The press are having a field day. In the absence of a viable opposition they have to find doom and gloom for the government where they can. Barnaby Joyce and his confused stance on politics have given them the opening. Letters to the editor are illuminating as to how many do not understand party politics. Even one of my ex commanders, Barry Caligari, now living in Yungaburra thinks every politician should be an independant.
NO, Mr Howard. First loyalty to any party is a dictatorship, while first loyalty to an electorate distinguishes a democracy. Unfortunately, party leaders often confuse the subtle difference.
Beg to differ, Sir, but Barnaby was elected as a Senator for Queensland and while he is obliged to do what is best for the state of Queensland, that often translates as a part of policy that dictates what is best for the nation. In addition, the final sum on what is good for the state of Queensland needs imput from more than just Barnaby’s experience. It in fact, needs input from the party room where what is best for each locality or state is balanced against the greater need of the country. If we start giving handouts to every local problem then we are managing piecemeal and that is not the game. If Barnaby was a ALP Politician and said the words ‘cross the floor’ he would be labelled ‘Rat’, disenfranchised and he would be pilloried, not the party. Lively politics is good and Barnaby will slowly see the need to be a part of a winning team rather than a loosing individual. It happens in every new parliament and all the senior players are well versed on the process and contrary to all the Howard haters in the Australian today, it is democracy in action. Just enjoy it while Barnaby enjoys his fifteen minutes of fame.


  • Well, Senator (and I use the term loosely) Joyce is not the first power drunk idiot to tread on his dick.

    He sees himself as some sort of crusading hero, the reality is that he is an embarrassment to the Queensland pwoerbrokers that picked him for pre-selection.

    What is in the water in Queensland that allows these dunces keep popping their heads up?

  • Come on PQ. Us queenslanders are made of sterner stuff than that.What is in the water is Bundy Rum.

  • Ah, the Caligari tribe. John C. was my first and finest CO. An outstanding man.

    Joyce’s behaviour smacks of the new Lt rolling into the battalion, believing he knows how the world works and reinventing the wheel. CO Howard plays it cool whilst the Adjutant Heffernan quietly deals out the justice to said Lt. Although Lt Joyce’s exuberance will likely be tempered by a few weekend duties, I can’t help smiling at his audacity.