Petrol-sniffing looks coroner in eye

And he breaks down! I don’t know about you but I would like to think that someone chosen to head up a coronial inquest could face the problems without breaking into tears and walking away. The pic with the article has Greg Cavanagh being consoled by deputy Helen Roberts. It was all too much for him so he eventually returned and promptly adjourned the inquiry. They need help not tears. The mother of the lad that sniffed in front of Greg and caused such abject misery, Ms Goodwin, wipes a tear from her eyes and says;
… [my] son had been sniffing a “long, long time”. “We can’t stop nothing,” she said. “When they sniff, they don’t listen to mother, father, family.”
So stop him sniffing, ban petrol in the community, lock him up, try discipline – try anything but don’t just sit there and cry.

One comment

  • I read reports that mothers soak towels in petrol and put them beside their babies to stop them crying.

    What is going on here? Why are those babies not taken from their mothers as they are in mortal danger?

    Is such action not taken because the relevant authorities are fearful it would be branded as another example of the “stolen generations”?