Weird Spam

I’m reseiving strange comments and although they are, on the whole complimentary, I suspect the motives of the writers.


A very very nice site with helpful informations! So keep up the good work – I already added the site to my personal favourites. All the best!

Hi everyone A big thank you for this wonderful site, it has helped me immensely

Nice work chief ;-)


Your site is a much needed addition to my life. THANK YOU!

Not the sort of comment one leaves at a blog. Can anyone help….what are they trying to do.

Unlike online casino poker spams, they don’t leave links so what do they hope to achieve?


  • I think the link back to their web site is through their contact details, but I’m not exactly sure of the mechanics behind your commenting system. I’ve seen it elsewhere though.

  • If they leave a URL in their contact details that is. (Like I just did)

  • I suspect they are seeking approval. Once the stupid comment is approved they are free to spam you. Just a guess though.

  • The link back to their web site (even through the address details) presumably increases their Google ranking. I think that’s all they are fishing for.

  • Thanks Stan.. You could be right.

  • P&C has been using the Spam Karma plugin with some good results.

    But I just upgraded Mangled Thoughts from wp1.5 to then installed Spam Karma2 that should reduce the False Positives.

    You are getting hit by a spam bot ‘Anonymous’ from South America. It won’t stop until you do this. It’s a never ending battle.

  • They are the front line of a happiness sect who troll the internet spreading niceness.

  • Bastards! I hate niceness!

    Those type-in-the-numbers tests for comments work pretty well. I’ve had very little spam since my blog host installed one.

  • I’ve been getting the same- it’s like being trolled by Rajhneshees. There’s only an email adress, no live site link. It’s got me fucked, i just delete them because I’m not interested in compliments, I want complaints so I can be rude to the sender.