Time and Life

After settling down post Cape York a phone call from my younger sister remined me that the escapism offered by four-wheel-driving to the Cape has a use-by-date and it has expired. My 85 year old Mother has recently moved into an aged hostel and she is now stressing about her home. My younger sister, still with family at home, is trying to do all the organization herself and my Mother’s pleas to come over and help can’t be ignored. Who amongst us can ignore maternal plea’s? Ait tickest are reasonably priced but I would need a car for mobility during the “sell the house” period and therein lies the difficulty. About $4,000 to hire a car for a month. I have decided to drive. The problem is my mother lives in Albany, WA and I live in Brisbane. To put that in perspective for foreign readers, I am driving the equivalent of London to Newfoundland, London to hundreds of kilometers east of Moscow or New York to San Francisco and then back again. I could almost rename my blog ‘On the Road Again’ permanently.

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