Age readers confused

What’s wrong with these people, Age readers all of them? Age Poll Don’t they understand what’s going on in the world?


  • They understand just fine. They understand that they can

    1. do nothing whilst the Yanks pick up the tab in terms of blood and treasure

    2. Pose and posture about Merikkun Forun Pollissy knowing full well that no harm will come of it.

    It’s called having your cake and eating it.

  • One wonders how many more attacks by Islamofacists will have to occur before people get deadly serious. Probably quite a few unfortunately.

  • It is called sticking your head in the sand. If its not happening to you then don’t get involved.

  • Hello, I’m a journalism student currently doing some research into Australian political weblogs and I was wondering if I you would mind answering a few questions for my studies? Your blog is fantastic and I would love to include your opinion within my thesis. I could email the questions to you in the morning if you’d agree to answer them for me. I’d really appreciate it. If you would be interested in helping me out, could you send me an email and I’ll send you through some brief questions regarding your work as a blogger. Thank you so much for your time,
    Laura Skerlj