Tony Blair talking tough

In this article from the BBC, Tony Blair has called for tougher laws and a global drive to tackle the “evil” ideology behind the London bombings.
Talks are to begin on bringing in new laws covering preparations for attacks and to make it easier to deport people trying to “incite hatred“, he told MPs.
We need something like that here in Australia. Catch a Cleric preaching jihad….send him back home…..immediately…..without appeal.


  • Inciting people to riot is a crime.
    Inciting people to commit violence is also a crime.
    The problem we have here in Australia is that the authorities don’t want to rock the boat by being tough on those who are not “naturally” true blue. They also don’t trust the fact that 90% of true blue Aussies would back them to the hilt if they did start throwing out these people.

  • The only problem with sending them back is that they will carry out acts of violence unfetted. I say line the bastards up and shoot them all. Start with Hilal..

  • Talking to an Indian woman (not of muslim decent) about this – there is a large “ghetto” community of muslim refugees in England right now, and the details released of the bombers indicate that they have come out of this community.
    This group of people are finding it hard to find jobs, the police dont patrol the area and there are large amounts of crime in the area too.
    The british political machine is ignoring the issue, afraid that it will loose them votes (that might change now, especially as they have said that the bombers came from the area where this community exists).
    Will be interesting to see if anything eventuates, it is the exact community which could evolve to riots if pushed too hard, and it is paramount to rember that nearly all of the community would be of good intent.