More Guantanamo abuse

Another report has been released detailing ‘abuse’ at Guantonamo Bay. Aljazeera carry the story on their front page alongside reports of terrorists blowing up kids in a free chocalate queue in Baghdad and British police attempts to sort out the London bombing attrocity.
But looking into FBI reports of abuse, the investigators found multiple instances at the prison, including the use of duct tape on at least one prisoner’s face, a threat to kill another prisoner’s family, and inappropriate touching by female interrogators.
Oh, my God…duct tape over the terrorists face. How barbaric. Almendha goes one better by carrying a story of an art exhibition in Rome with Guantonamo Abuse as a theme. To be sure, it’s a weird world we live in.


  • For people who aim to blown up Allied soldiers, civilians and involve themselves in contacts, they certainly change their hardened attitudes once captured and threatened with duct tape. We’ve copped much harsher treatment whilst “in the bag” for resistance to interrogation training in Canungra. And threats to kill their family?!? Please, harden up!!

  • The good thing about this shrill bleating about abuse from the leftist meedja is that they just look like dweebs in the eyes of middle Australia, America and Britain. The only people who would be shocked, shamed and angry about putting undies on a terrorist’s head are those who are a lost cause anyway.

  • Undies on the head, innapropriate touching sounds like a Friday night in the piss shack.