Shark victim may never be found

That would be right. A 6 metre great white pointer is big enough to take a human in one bite and as we know, they have a long range and it could be hundreds of miles away by now. They have been tracked with satellite receivers from their home in South Australia to two-thirds of the way up the East Coast. Which makes me wonder, who was the game person who tagged the satellite receiver on a white pointer? Local Police believe the predator is long gone by now.
POLICE have said there is little hope of finding the body of a catamaran skipper killed by a shark at the Abrolhos Islands, 500km north of Perth. Geoffrey Brazier, 26, from the Perth suburb of Bicton, was snorkeling with three others on Saturday when he was attacked by what is thought to have been a 6m white pointer.
Poor bugger. I’ve been sailing in the seas over there in the North West and not lowering myself in the food-chain order was a priority. 6 metres, or 19.68 feet is big. The stuff of nightmares. sharks11.jpg A White Pointer eating the cage and looking to eat the boat. shark12.jpg A small Great White Pointer People will want revenge but I can’t see much point. Like the 6 metre crocodiles in that part of Australia – if you enter his space you’re putting yourself on the menu. You can hardly blame him for doing what he is programmed to do.
Sgt Miller said the situation would be assessed before any shoot-to-kill order was given. He said that the geography, tides and winds around the islands would hamper the search. West Australian Fisheries regional manager Russell Dyson said calls for the shark to be shot on sight were a knee-jerk reaction.
As terrible as it sounds, that is most probably the end of the matter. Footnote: Googling ‘white pointers’ is interesting.

One comment

  • God may have granted dominion or something like that but mother nature wasn’t a part of the bargain. She doesn’t take sides and anybody who takes it personally has a problem with reality.

    Wolves may not attack people (at least not in NA) but that’s the only wild animal out there that “plays by the rules”. For anything else, it’s just a matter of who’s bigger.

    But wow, just the thought of a 20 foot shark gives me the chills.