Student ‘Targeted”

Student Stuart McMillen feels assaulted. And he was, by an ABC news team who couldn’t get to him quickly enough to beat up his 30 seconds of fame into an international incident. Stuart, trying to up his 30 seconds of fame to a minute shows his lack of understanding of world events when he ‘realized’;
“… that that was an Australian Army soldier pointing their gun at an Australian citizen in Australia, where there’s currently no wars happening, so I thought that was a bit inappropriate.”
Poor bloody diggers. Training for war, risking life and limb to ensure the ABC and other loosers can be free to put shit on them and an undergrad says there’s currently no wars happening The Army are on the move in the streets of Brisbane training for a very dangerous deployment to Iraq and a part of that training involves moving their vehicles through urban territory. Another part of the training involves carrying their personal weapons and soldiers are trained to carry their rifles in both hands and move the rifle with their vision. If the soldier is looking at you, so is his rifle. He isn’t targeting civilians. If he were to carry his rifle in any other manner then he is training for defeat. Civilians can be scared when and if the soldier suddenly adopts an agressive stance, lowers his profile, raises the rifle to his shoulder and aims it at you. That is aiming a rifle. That is when you phone up the ABC. And that will never happen in Australia. Anything else is carrying it in training Stuart, enjoy your 30 – 60 seconds of fame. You even have an old soldier’s permission to tell war stories about how you were targeted. Throw in a couple of AASLAVs with .50 cal MGs. Impresses the girls – does nothing for the rest of society. Right. You’ve had your 30 seconds – get back to study and try and read a newspaper every now and then. Look up Iraq, War, Australia’s involvement. Dropkick! UPDATE: Stuart, it’s not a gun, it’s a rifle Try this little poem to help you remember This is my rifle (brandish rifle) This is my gun (point to groin) This is for shooting (brandish rifle) This is for fun (point to groin) Courtesy Sgt Vic Edwards, 1st Recruit Training Battalion, 1963 (and all other Sergeants and corporals over the years).


  • “I think they were probably just having a little bit of fun, pretending they were driving through the streets of Baghdad or something like that.”

    ooh yes. how fun.

  • This is my rifle (brandish rifle)
    This is my gun (point to groin)
    This is for shooting (brandish rifle)
    This is for fun (point to groin)

    Nice to know some things transcend nationalities!

  • Kevin, you already know my feelings on this matter, but seriously, don’t you think that if the ADF had taken the time and effort to inform the populace of just what they were up to, the story wouldn’t even have rated a back page on your local rag? Poor planning and no forethought. You can’t blame the general public for not understanding something they have no knowledge of.

  • Not at all. The Army had notified Brisbane of the planned move through the streets. Anything more is superfluous. We can’t be saying..and sometimes the barrel of the MGs on the vehicles will be rotating, or sometimes the troops may be looking at you, or sometimes talking on their radios, or when crossing the street if you look directly at a AASLAV its gun will be pointing at you. Just doesn’t happen. And it’s not the general public who are complaining. It is Stuart Whatshisface, the ABC and it’s luvvies and you. Google only has the ABC rant and the article in the Courier Mail. Can’t see it elsewhere.

  • I think he meant that there’s no wars happening in Australia, and specifically Brisbane.

  • Obviously, but it doesn’t matter where the war is – training happens in Australia and if the Regiment is stationed in Brisbane then the training is there. If its training for Mobile Ops in Urban Terrain (MOUT) then the troops and vehicles have to go and do some training in the suburbs.

    There was no war at Bindoon or Northam during WW2 either, but there were a lot of troops trained there.

  • So, exactly what ARE Naill’s feelings on this matter? He is upset/churlish/annoyed/dismayed etc that servicemen are training in the streets of Brisbane, amongst the civilians? Who let them out of their cages? Next thing you know, the government will be letting them pay taxes and vote.

  • And why was Naill posting here at 4.59pm? Doesn’t he have a 9 to 5 job?

  • Who gives a rat’s arse what Neil thinks.

    Go and pull your pud or whatever you do in your extended non working hours, Neil.

    There are some real men who will look after the defence of Australia for you.

  • And why was Naill posting here at 4.59pm? Doesn’t he have a 9 to 5 job?


  • If you really want to find out what I think and why, CB, do what Kevin did and join me on IRC. Ask Kevin, he’ll give you the goss.

  • Niall

    Your contempt for the military and Vietnamese is well documented so no amount of pathetic excuses will diminish it.