Troubled times..Society stumbles

QUEENSLAND Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Policy Minister Liddy Clark resigns as Minister in the aftermath of lies told by her staff and herself. Facts. Stick to facts says Andrew Bolt
Convicted brawler Murrandoo Yanner, a member of the taxpayer-funded ATSIC, tells the ABC if no police are punished, then “under the law, if you can’t get one policeman, you get another”, because “when someone’s killed, someone must be killed in return”. After hearing his threats, Queensland’s Minister for Aboriginal Policy, Liddy Clark, invites Yanner to fly with her on a taxpayer-funded flight to Palm Island to do some “healing” there.
We have a case of sub-human thugs attempting to murder police officers and one of their kind, a self styled verbose thug and criminal ‘leader’ incites murder and the state Labour Government Minister invites him to come help. She pays the air tickets, the Premier sensing a political storm says ‘No Way does the taxpayer fork out for these thugs’ but the Minister ignores him.
The CMC also found that Premier Peter Beattie knew in advance about the airfare funding decision that was the beginning of the end of Ms Clark’s ministerial career. But the CMC found the Premier’s office had also been deceived by Ms Clark and her staff, and had not been involved in covering up the so-called Airfare Affair.
What’s the agenda there? Are the staff just protecting their boss or do they have a agenda that refuses to accept attempted murder as a crime because the perpetrators are Aborigines? I’d like to know.
The CMC found Ms Clark’s media adviser Marie Low and senior policy adviser Bruce Picard were responsible for the lie. It recommended the pair be counselled by Premier’s Department director-general Leo Keliher.
Bloody Counselled! They should be sacked. Now! The problem isn’t just Queensland-based it exists all over the country. In Macquarrie Fields sub-humans riot and try to kill police. (There is no other way to describe intent when the act involves throwing a Molotov Cocktail at police officers) Darlene quotes an Ivory Tower occupant from Griffith Universty who says the problem won’t be solved by a rigid law and order stance but by
…police convincing the residents they were not the “enemy” by tackling the suburb’s social ills with other agencies
Bullshit. Those thugs need to be very aware that when they behave like ferals then the Police are most definitely their enemy. Back in Brisbane the Governmet allow clubs to stay open all night and act surprised when riots occur, samurais swords are used in fights, woman are raped and innocent passerbyes murdered. What’s there to be surprised about? We are just reaping what we have sown. The Government take police off the beat where they can best ‘police’ and put them out on income-shifts earning the government money in traffic fines. Less police on the beat and more drug sellers are active. The kids dope up on amphetamines that halve their IQs and inhibitions and double their aggression. The Police arrest some juveniles but Magistrates, so intent on social engineering, let them loose with a slap on the wrist. What happened?