Iraq at the polls

Yesterday, the SMH managed an almost total negative spin on the Iraq elections. Today there are some positives but the emphasis is still on the bombers. According to some areas of the press the thirty or forty people killed yesterday are more important than the millions who participated in the poll. Births are never bloodless, including the arrival of democracy and whereas the deaths of the victims is to be regretted there are more positives than negatives. The Left and a good proportion of the MSM will now be busy rationalising the 28% who didn’t vote as representing a civil war or somehow or other representing the evil that is the US. However if you don’t view all of life starting with a Bush/the US/Howard are evil premise then there is lots of good news. has a fairly balance article
Samir Hassan, 32 – who lost his leg in a car bomb blast last year – said as he waited to vote in Baghdad: “I would have crawled here if I had to. I don’t want terrorists to kill other Iraqis like they tried to kill me.”
Voters formed long queues, creating an almost festive atmosphere in Shiite areas and the Kurdish north, where officials said turnout was highest. Some had walked for miles, and many chanted and clapped.
The Washington Post is generally positive as is the New York Times Al Jjazeera headlines Confusion surrounds Iraq poll turnout and Conflicting claims but does acknowledge that Chalabi (is) confident In my mind, an altogether positive result. Another step on the road to democracy and another blow to those who would wish for more power to the clerics and it’s associated stiffling of freedom and thought.