Kiwis promise not to attack anyone

Our cousins over the ditch in New Zealand long ago abrogated all responsibilities regarding defence as they swung Left in the 1980s. I have a lot of friends among their numbers but I no longer feel sorry for them. They have been voting in weirdos for some time now so they have only themselves to blame. PM Helen Clarke has been at the ASEAN meeting and has signed a non-aggression pact with the members. Whoopee. NZ is a threat to whom? As friend and fellow Brisbane blogger aptly points out in today’s Australian this is not really a big deal.
Surely, there can be nothing more illustrative of impotent posturing than the decision of the New Zealand Prime Minister to sign a non-aggression pact with ASEAN members? It’s a bit like a budgie signing a non-aggression pact with a cat.
‘Budgie’ Clark. I like it.

One comment

  • Yep.

    And remember Pixie Rudd coming out swinging about the incalculable damage Howard was doing to the relationship with Asia by not signing the Charter of Hollow Rhetoric.

    A day later and Howard’s not only got the FTA, but an invite back next year.
