Terrorist caught out

Terrorist Ivan Molloy gets ALP preselection for the seat of Fairfax (Sunshine Coast).
LABOR candidate Ivan Molloy posed with a machine gun supplied by Muslim extremists and has said Australia should be turning its military on both itself and the US. (the ‘machine gun’ is actually an M16 assualt rifle) Dr Molloy has also claimed Muslim guerilla groups should not be labelled terrorists. The group he posed with in the Philippines in 1983 has recently been linked by Washington to Osama Bin Laden’s Al-Qaeda network
Molloy Great picture. Says it all.
Dr Molloy, an academic at the University of the Sunshine Coast, posted on an Internet chat room in April 2002: “I have spent much time in Asia and Central America researching and supporting many popular struggles against oppression.
Isn’t there a law against people holding public office and supporting the enemy at the same time? Oops. I forgot. The precedent has already been set by the the ALP when Jim Cairns held a seat on the USSR local council and the position of deputy PM at the same time. Guess it’s ok if your ALP. And some people want to give them another chance at government.


  • This is of little surprise. In ’75 Gough Whitlam met with members of the Ba’ath party in Sydney to procure funding for his election campaign. The Iraqi delegates pledged $5,000.00 to Whitlams election hopes. The pledge was signed by the deputy Leader of the Ba’ath party. The Deputy leader was none other than Saddam Hussein.

    Now his pseudo son ‘Bovver boy’ has Islamic Terrorist sympathisers in his midst so it illustrates the reasons why Latham is reluctant to fight against Islamic terror groups. He has them as party members.

    No wonder Abu Bakir Bashir gave Latham his blessing two weeks ago, Latham endorses them.

    Try and spin that one Niall.

    A vote for Labor is a clear vote for Islamic terrorists.

  • The trouble with these academics is they spent so much of their youth discussing the new world order whilst drinking copious amount of cheap claret ,smoking pot and other substance, that fry their brains experimenting in sexual research with their fellow traveller ‘muses’- They spent most of their lives as ‘professional students’ at the taxpayers expense- I have personal experience- (my brother not seen for 30 years until estate money was due) and have never done a days real labour.
    They are totally devoid of reality and should be drug tested before pre-selection.
    They are also a good advertisment for user pays for graduate degrees- it stops the cult of perpetual students so popular iup to the introduction of hecs fees by that great user of the system RLH
    The trouble is so many of the young have been taught and indoctrinated at uni by these lefties

  • Spin’s the right word, Scotty. I knew you’d jump into this one Kevin. There isn’t a word of truth or fact in the Courier Mail story, yet you & yours willingly lap it up because it suits your hate factor. The photo is 21 years old, has absolutely no factual explanation behind it yet carries a frontpage position and a page 3 smear job. I’d be sueing Newscorp were I Molloy. Very very predictable stuff, even for you

  • “There isn’t a word of truth or fact in the Courier Mail story”

    So are you saying that the quotes and photo contained in the article are fake, Niall?

  • The fact that this clown has had associations with known terrorists groups should be enough to disqualify him from political office.

    That he actively “bore arms” would qualify him for the the description “legitimate target” in any theatre of war.

    Does the leopard change his spots?

  • Niall,
    You damn well should have known that I’d jump into this one too. I’m pro-Australian and anti-terrorist. I notice the Australian and the Age carrying the story this morning. If I’m wrong I’m in good company

    The SMH doesn’t, which is the best indicator that there is something to the story.

  • Niall

    You are a total and utter tool squeezer.

    I can’t wait until you get snotted in one of your road rage incidents.

  • I ‘damn well should know’ what, Kevin?? Do you know for a fact that the smear run by the Courier Mail is true? If so, how? Were you in Mindanao 21 years ago? Were you alongside Molloy when he supposedly asked to hold a Marcos govcernment soldiers gun?

    Quite simply, you people would believe anything presented to you if it fits you hate profile, as I said.

    Gary, I’m saying the story in the Courier Mail is baseless. They don’t know any more about the circumstances behind the photo 21 years ago then you do. Unless of course you’re going to say you were there too.

    Murph…..any place, any time pal.

  • Niall Your the one saying “There isn’t a word of truth or fact in the Courier Mail story” were you there too or talking out your butt again because you have nothing but a straw man to counter with.

    “Murph…..any place, any time pal.”

    Brave little man behind a computer screen.

  • Brekkie Creek, Friday night. Bring a spare set of teeth.

  • Niall, get a perspective….if it looks like a duck and walks like a duck, then it probably IS a f***ing duck you stupid man. Why the hell would he pose with such an insouciant grin on his dial, if he wasn’t a fellow traveller.

  • murph, you know why Niall had his teeth removed.

    Hint: It wasn’t for fighting.

  • was it so he could fellate Fidel?

  • For his daily conjugal visits to prisoners.