News in brief

The BBC let one through to the keeper and actually published a positive article about Iraq. Reading it, waiting for the negative spin to hit me, I noted the comments on the BBC changing spots was penned by Australian blogger Arthur Chrenkoff. Good to see you getting around, Arthur. In Far North Queensland the communities of Bamaga and Injinoo are in shock, as is the rest of Australia, as we suffer our first multiple death plane crash for decades. Not only have the communities lost valuable members but the police force have lost one of their own as 28 year old Constable Sally Urquhart died. Her fiancee, CONSTABLE Trad Thornton learned of her death when police colleagues unwittingly called for the passenger manifest from a commercial plane that was missing. Poor bugger. Also killed was scientist David Banks, who had worked tirelessly to keep pests and diseases out of Australia. The area of the crash is very remote and coincidently, I will be travelling up there in June on an expedition to Cape York, at sea level, in a 4WD. In Europe, France releases a documentary under the ‘Put shit on the US’ programme that accuses a US submarine of torpedeoing the Kursk nuclear sub’ Nothing like a good conspiracy theory to get press coverage and bums on seats .
BBC editor Nick Fraser called the claim a “pack of lies” and has refused to air the documentary, which attracted a record audience of more than 4 million when it screened on French TV.
Must be flakey if the BBC won’t run it. I bet the Australian SBS network will grab it though. Just wait a bit and we’ll be able to view it in Australia on ‘The Cutting Edge’.


  • I doubt that, as SBS simply buys what the ABC doesn’t want or can’t afford. The ABC buys whatever the BBC says is a good thing. QED

  • In other nuclear submarine news, we have this report on the US nuke that ran into the undersea mountain south of Guam last year:

    Turns out the navigation team failed to transfer some hazards from one map to another. It beggars belief that in this day and age the fate of the crew, several hundred million dollars worth of submarine and God knows how many nukes should hang on such things. But there you have it. Apparently it does.

  • Robert Michael Clode

    Great to read someone who clearly has the measure of the BBC/ABC/SBS – the media mafia of the left-wing of politics!
    I’m a volunteer broadcaster for Radio 3WBC here in Melbourne and shall be in Cairns for a month from 21/9, a week of which [28/9 to 5/10] will be in Bamaga. Haven’t been to the Cape for about 20 years – a 4by4 safari,and am looking forward to it.
    We have journalists here like Andrew Bolt and Alan Jones, who also have the guts to tell it as it is.
    Strength to your arm.