So Bloody What?

The dark forces have conjured up another Leading Somebody who has an opinion contrary to the PM’s and in doing so expect the voters to instantly connect the Leading Somebody’s opinion as gospel handed down from Mount Kosciusko and the PM as ignoring said gospel.
Aware of the imminence of war based on a false assumption or calculated deceit, a leading scientist tries to get word to the Prime Minister but is thwarted by his own masters. In desperation and in a “personal capacity”, he dispatches his own missive to the PM. Instead of taking heed, the PM proceeds to declare war while the Government compiles a dirt sheet to discredit the scientist should the media learn of his failed attempt to influence the PM. Read like plot of some fanciful, B-grade political thriller about thuggish suppression of dissenting individuals, craven bureaucracy and self-interested manipulation of truth? Depressingly, of course, it is all too real.
Leading Scientist Bob Mathews has an opinion about the lack of WMDs and writes to John Howard telling him so. Instead of taking heed, the PM proceeds to declare war. The hide of the man. The smugness of it all. Fancy a PM not dropping everything, altering our foreign policy and opting out of alliances on the gospel handed down by a scientist. A quick Google for Mathews brings up this;
Bob Mathews is a Principal Research Scientist in the Nuclear Biological and Chemical Defence and Arms Control Section of the Australian Defence Science and Technology Organisation (DSTO). His main current scientific research interest is the application for treaty purposes of methods for the detection and analysis of organic chemicals, and the development of verification procedures.
So I’ll give him technical expertise, but that’s it. I’ve known scientists who know everything there is to know about a specific subject and yet can’t change a tyre or tell me what’s going on in the world. What does Bob know of el-Quaida? Is he on the Intelligence briefing circuit? Has he studied terrorism itself? Has he been involved in diplomatic briefs from the US and the UK. Is he an expert on the Middle East or has he authored any papers on JI? The sentence;
Aware of the imminence of war based on a false assumption or calculated deceit and ..B-grade political thriller about thuggish suppression of dissenting individuals, craven bureaucracy and self-interested manipulation of truth? Depressingly, of course, it is all too real
does say something about the politics of the author so I get the impression that even if there was evidence of WMDs aplenty he would have come up with some other reason to have this matter brought into the media during an election Have we progressed from a ‘Group of Eminent Doctors/Scientists/ Humanitarians to a ‘Leading Scientist’ program of opinions contrary to Howard?s way of doing things. Is there a Committee to Destabilize Howard somewhere in the Dark Forces HQ with a programme of dissenting opinions that are to be released weekly during the campaign and daily in the last week? I really don’t know, although it looks like there is, but what I do know is most discerning voters acknowledge a PM has to consider all opinions and facts in his decision making process and having done so must decide. He would have had hundreds of opinions to consider before committing to Iraq and so when I hear of one letter that wasn’t listed in the bibliography of the opinions considered, I can only say; So bloody what!


  • Seems like a futile post, Kevin, given the state of disarray in Iraq, which just quietly, wouldn’t exist if the illegal invasion had never occurred

  • The State of disarray in Iraq comes about because it’s a war zone and the western world are trying to put a stop to terrorism.

    Illegal? Says who? Who defines an attack in defence of your homland after terrorists have attacked and killed thousands of your citizens as illegal?

    You roll over mate, I’m for fighting to stop it happening again

  • Who’s homeland was attacked, Kevin, and just what for. Ask yourself the big questions instead of concentrating on what the yanks want you to believe. Ask yourself why. I don’t agree with fundamentalism of any stripe, yours or theirs. You really think you’re gonna win? Smell the roses buddy.

  • Don’t presume I believe what the Yanks want me to believe. I listen, read, debate, argue and evaluate all without the blinding yoke of left wing lunacy. I have served with the Yanks, unlike most left wing commentators, and know them for their good and bad points.

    I remember history and how both Europe and the Pacific are now free to abuse the yanks after their men and logistics freed the world from Germany and the Japs. Yes, a lot of other nations contributed but they tipped the balance.

    They defeated the scourge of communism, the ideology that murdered hundreds of millions of it’s own citizens…..I guess that’s why the left hate them so much forever. Well, their enemies are my enemies and I thank them for that.

    They have been misguided at times but they always press forward believing what they are doing is for the better. On the balance of things, over most of the last century and this one, what they are doing is for the better.

    Yes, it was their homeland that was attacked but our people have been murdered as well and although you will never realize it, I say once again, their enemies are our enemies.

    What’s your side done for the world lately? Ah yes, the mighty UN. Give the vote to Mugabe, set up a committee to look at Sudan, table motions condemming Israel, tell Australia that our human rights record is poor – I mean, who believes that shit anymore?

  • I cannot for the life of me, understand these so called intelligent men.
    Saddam HAD chemical weapons, HAD used them AND he HAD no intention of destroying them. The size of the desert in Iraq you could bury 6 Opera houses and not find them. He is too canny to waste the millions of dollars the technology had cost him. Richard Butler said that Saddam most definately HAD WMDs and that America should Liberate Iraq SOONER rather than later before he seemed to have been ‘bought off’
    It should be obvious to one, even of small brain that bacterial and chemical components and the whole laboritories would pack easily into a small truck and given that the Americans have found several Migs and French fighter jets buried it takes not a great leap of imagination to work out that they are either buried or transported to Syria.
    Saddam has 10 billion dollars stashed somewhere and they cannot find that either.
    The 2 women scientists the terrorists were demanding released were the heads of Saddams WMD programme and the husband of one of them the head of the Rocket propulsion programme-so what does that tell Bob Matthews?
    It makes one wonder if he is involved in conspiring to aid terrorism.
    Finally they have been unable to find and remove/destroy the caches of weapons being used by the terrorist insurgents and mercenaries.

  • G’Day Rose.

    … unable to find and remove/destroy the caches of weapons being used by the terrorist insurgents and mercenaries.

    More than that, who is resupplying the cache?