
The ALP has announced its defence policy. Mark Latham has vowed to make Australia “impregnable” by expanding the army by one battalion. Well, that’s what it says here They promise;
* a new light infantry battalion with about 750 troops to be based in Townsville * the parachute battalion group at Holsworthy in Sydney to be moved to the Townsville * a new entitlement of reunion travel for non-custodial parents in the defence forces who were posted away from their children, and * A new Australian Defence Force medal for volunteers who had served three years in the ADF since World War II. * In addition, Mr Latham said Labor would encourage regular military exercises with New Zealand to create greater synergies between the two defence forces.
That’s it? Reunion travel – yeah yeah! Kiwi synergies – yeah yeah! New medal – big deal! Moving 3RAR (Para) to Townsville – Why? They don’t walk to the battle zone (para does suggests they fly) …so they’re 90 minutes closer to something. Big deal! Lavarack Barracks is going to get crowded but don’t worry – neither the new battalion nor the 3RAR move isn’t planned for four to five years. I might add that the only reason any-one is talking about more battalions comes from the fact that the ALP have been busy cutting battalions out of the ORBAT for years.
A Labor Government will, as a matter of priority, re-invigorate the critical role of the Reserves.
Great throw-away line. Is there a brigade in the Reserve that is fully manned, kitted and ready to go anywhere? I think not. Yet if Labour plan to have a brigade and a battalion group ready to deploy to different theatres at different times at little notice and the Reserves are going to back them up, then they need to do some more sums. Six months after deployment all the regular troops will be looking for replacement. If the Reserves are being reinvigorated can we have the dollars to do that included in the plan.
Modifications to common induction training to assist in the recruitment and retention of Reserve personnel.
Many years ago the ADF was forced to cut Recruit Training in half because Reserve soldiers had difficulty getting away from their jobs for three months at a time for Recruit and Corp training. The regular army had to ‘half train’ everyone. Standards dropped. Are the Modifications to common induction training heading back down the road of falling standards?
To defend Australia without having to rely on the combat forces of other countries.
That must have been included as a sop to the Left-wing so they can tell Uncle Sam to go jump. Stupid and meaningless. The last time our country needed defending against an incursion we need hundreds of thousands of Americans to help us. The Coalition hasn’t done everything they should either, but they do have a plan and it doesn’t start with a paltry $300 odd million. This sort of insurance policy is big and bottom lines are in the billions.
Mr Latham said terrorism must be dealt with at its source, by eliminating organisations like JI, not by fighting wars on the other side of the world, or by Mr Howard returning to the doctrine of pre-emption.
Terrorism must be dealt with at its source – I agree but if you think that the source of terrorism is in some suburb in Jakarta or Mindanao then you just haven’t thought it through. Neutralizing current JI terrorists will not stop other like minded Moslems heading off to the heart of Islam for training or finance. Berlin and Hiroshima didn’t fall because the US, Britain and Australia made their countries impregnable. They fell because we took the war to them -we attacked their homeland, their industry and their logistics and made it impossible for them to continue the wage war. And don’t confuse the issue with…But, they don’t have a homeland. They do and the US are there now. Fighting In Iraq and Afghanistan and intelligence gathering in Iran and Saudi Arabia. If you don’t understand that basic tenet then get the hell out of the debate.


  • Yeah! Bring back conscription and solve the unemployment problem.

  • As an aside are the ALP planning on moving the Hercs to Townsville?

    If they move 3RAR up there, but not the Hercs they are actually moving the troops further away from their transport.

    While they are at it they’ll probably want to move the Parachute Training School up there too, as 3RAR is their biggest customer.

  • I think the ALP’s defence policy gives the hint that they are planning to build Sydney’s second airport at Holsworthy.

    There is no strategic reason to move 3RAR to Townsville. In Sydney they are near Richmond and they can be jumping anywhere in Aus in a few hours.

    Once they move 4RAR, to Singleton perhaps, Holsworthy will be empty.

    I’m suprised all the NIMBYs in SW Sydney aren’t protesting. The Army make better neighbours than an international airport.

  • Niall

    What are you on about, you silly little man?

  • Labour will close RAAF Richmond, and turn it into a new International airport. Its runway is certainly good enough, and Richmond is such a large base, that it could accomodate all the structures required for an international airport.

  • Niall, have you been watching Yes Prime Minister.

    “Latham’s Grand Design”?!

  • RAAF Richmond and it’s facilities as an international airport. Now there’s drawing a long bow. For a start, the access from the eastern end is prone to flooding and would require a substantial facility upgrade. Even though it can accept C141’s, it most certainly couldn’t sustain movements on Kingsford-Smith’s level for a protracted length of time. You would also need to relocate a substantial number of defence assets and employees, not a cheap exercise by any stretch of the imagination. Weather is also a major factor. Winter in the foothills of the Blue Mountains produces ice on concrete, which would close the runway. There isn’t a secondary cross strip for alternate approach directions, and the tarmac/runway area is less than 2000 metre across.
    All in all, you’d be better off relocating to further out into Botany Bay. It’d probably end up being cheaper too.

  • As a nursing sister – may I make a comment
    Both parties need not only to add more hospital beds but to have a reserve of skilled and trained nurse who can be called on to go anywhere needed in Australia and even overseas. There also needs to be set up the facilities for a moblile hospital base that can assess and triage injured patients,arrange transport to major emergeniy centres after stabilisation.
    Man yexcellent and experienced nurses were forced into early retirement because of cost cutting and who feel bitterly hurt by their treatment after many years of service.
    It is no use building wonderful facilities with no nurses to staff them.This happened at the royal Melbourne in the 70s- a new wing built and NEVER used then turned into an administration block.
    We have to wake up and get our priorities sorted= Security Health education policing all no.1 and we should not be having any tax cuts at all when young men and women are fighting in any theatre of war.
    I would like special benefits to help their families in times of war- medals don’t put food on the table

  • Rose,

    As I understand our Defence medical system is fairly good and already has the facilities that you call for. Witness East Timor with a great contribution from the Reserves. But of course we need a lot more.

    Medical and education are two aspects I believe we should be pushing in terrorist held countries to help them and to lesson the risk for us. Our medicos and teachers are top quality and can make a difference (so long as we keep the Teachers Union out of it)

    As I understand it, a large part of Health is a state issue financed by cash from Canberra and if there is a shortage of beds then that is due to decisions made by the states. I’m not sure if Canberra calls the shots at the hospital level. Maybe you or others could advise.

    Bulk billing, of course, is a different matter and stage managed from Canberra. I have never been in favour of it as to give a professional service for nothing cheapens it. I think everyone should pay something.

    I agree with you about medals. I’ve got a brace of them but when I was serving I had to work two jobs to keep seven bellies full and kids at school.

    Latham come up with the medal throw-away line to try and better the Coalition who had decided, pre-election, to give volunteers who served six years a medal. The army had a three year enlistment and all the guys who only served for three don’t get one. Latham looks for a few votes from these guys.

    The Coalition just did it, Latham makes it Defence Policy.

    He won’t understand the history behind it but goes for it anyway.

    As a Nursing Sister, feel free to comment any time. Dark days in hospital in Vietnam leave me with deep respect and gratitude for your profession.

  • How any person can think that Iraq isn’t related to terror threats this end of town is beyond me.

    The Laska Jihad that went ape in Sulawesi was run by an Arab, not an Asian and he has just been sentenced.

    This inane crap that we are only at risk in our own region infers that Arab muslims don’t communicate with Asian muslims and that’s total bullshit. Even the Russians sadly had to find out the hard way that Arab/muslim terrorists work with any islamic terror organisation, including arranging finances for them.

    This is a global war and our backyard doesn’t mean just next door, it’s the whole block. We’ve been on Bin Ladens shit list for years, well before 9/11 which dispells the lie about Iraq making us a target.

    The fact that Khalid Shaikh Mohammed was attempting to enter Australia prior to 9/11 clearly demonstrates that Arabic Islamic terror groups have had us ear-marked for years.

    Keeping on side with the US is the best troop build up we can get.