Back on deck

Went south to Melbourne to help my forward scout from Vietnam celebrate his 60th. On the way I dropped into Belmont Hospital in the Hunter region to pay my respects to an old mate from RAAF Lang School class of ’66 and Vietnam class of ’70 who was on hist last legs. Had a couple of hours reminiscing about the good old days when we were corporals together. He died two days later. Sad and so very, very final. Left Melbourne with the temperature on 41 dec C all the way to Griffith and then locked myself in air-conditioning. Left the next morning for Brisbane with the temperature at 41deg C – damn thats hot! Arrived home and walked into the pool – a lot better. Switched on the computer this morning only to hear the dulcet tones off “Beep-Beep I have a RAM problem”. Took it apart, removed RAM chip..placed back happy now…hurry as I’ve got three funeral and two VSI Sick list notices to get up on my Battalion Association website before the funerals are over and the VSI’s become funeral notices. Another day, another dollar but I’m still vertical so no complaints.


  • I trust you enjoyed the time with your mates.
    As a North Queenslander who has been through cyclones in the past and who has just been through the flood in Ipswich, I like to say, “Every day above the ground is a good one!”

  • I was at Point Cook doing VN language in ’66, Kev

    I can only remember one fellow classmate from RAInf, initials LB. We lost touch many moons ago, was it LB?

    Regardless, glad to hear that you got to spend time with an old comrade in arms before the last roll call.

    Forever part of the Regimental family.

    • No, it was Steve Smith…Just thinking… I was there in ’66 (doing Indon)and ’68 – maybe Steve was a ’68 grad in time for the ’70 tour.

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