Its stopped raining!

Sunny weather in Brisbane invokes a surreal atmosphere as I know that the city will be flooded, albeit in sunshine. Two of my children, one near Ipswich and the other at West End are safe but isolated without power. It would appear that I will be totally safe where I live just 11 kms north of the CBD. An old soldier is always going to go for the high ground to set up his house. Of course I can’t travel far and we are stocked with batteries, ice etc to withstand power outages but that’s nothing compared with what my fellow Queenslanders are enduring. My wife has just come back from Woolworths, Taigum and reports no bread or milk! As an old soldier I can endure most deprivations but not having milk for my coffee is not one of them so I did a quick run to the local deli and got one of the last 2 lire milks he had. I can’t help everyone but I can help those of my regimental tribe who are in peril or have lost their house and contents. To this end I have emailed all 7RAR guys in Queensland looking for people in trouble. Altogether, 7RAR Asscn, both National and local, have donated a $1,000 to a Flood Appeal established by the RAR Qld Asscn. If you are ex-military or have an interest, you may consider donating to the following bank acct in the full knowledge that 100% of the donations will be spent on helping those in trouble.
Bank: Commonwealth at Stafford Name of Account; Royal Australian Regiment Corporation BSB: 064 127 Account Number: 1030 4915 Reference: Qld Flood Appeal 2011
Tonight and tomorrow still seem to be the problem time-frame as overflows from the Wivenhoe Dam and a high tide meet in the CBD. At least with the rain having ceased for the time being it will help Police and SES in the onerous task ahead of them. Here’s hoping for a safer outcome.


  • Kev,

    We want to give $100, but by cheque if possible. Can a postal address be provided for donations and will receipts be issued to donors? Makes things tidier on the tax front.



    • HRT
      Give $50 and forget the write off, it will seem more genuine.

      • If I donate $100 and claim it as a tax deduction I will receive back “x” dollars depending on my marginal rate. If I do not claim the donation, Gillard and Swan get to keep the amount I would otherwise have received.

        If you think that duo handle our finances so well they should have more of our money as a gift, then I suggest you send them some of yours. I will not give them more than I am legally obliged to.

        To suggest I halve my donation because it would appear “more genuine” does not benefit the survivors in any way that I can think of or, am I missing something?

        I am an ex-RAAF pilot and my wife and I give regularly to the Salvos and Legacy while contributing via a monthly payment to the support of two kids via The Smith Family.

        It is the offset available to us via the tax system that helps us to maintain our donations at their current level.

        Are you seriously suggesting we should halve our current donations to make them “seem more genuine”.

        • HRT
          My point was merely that you make it sound like an attempt to avoid paying tax rather than a gift from the heart. I am sure the donation will be gratefully received. I congratulate you on your generosity and heartily agree that the people with their hands on the Government purse strings do not appear to be handling it very well.

  • I’ll find one – wait out

  • Kev
    I am a state school principal in Queensland. My school has been badly flooded. What has impressed me has been the spirit of the people and their generosity. It is great to be an Australian.
    I wish to acknowledge the RAAF personnel from 1 Sqn from Amberley, who worked in(cleaned out) the library at Brassall State School today. Thye lived locally but are not parents of children at the school. They said they would be back tomorrow.
    As John Howard said, “what unites us in the country is far greater than what devides us”.



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