It’s still raining

I last posted “It’s Raining in October and was mildly upbeat about the 150 ml we had got overnight. Four months and almost 2,500 ml (100 inches) later I’m less upbeat. When I got up this morning the shock of the Toowoomba disaster with 8 dead and 72 missing has left me in shock. Two daughters have just been sent home to prepare for flooding and they are currently on a train that might or might not get past Bowen Hills station. Waiting for an SMS update. The Brisbane River is breaking it’s banks in areas around the city and my wife, glued to the TV keeps dropping in with snippets of doom. It’s going to be worse that the 74 floods being the one that grabbed my attention. I was here in Brisbane in 74 with young wife and son. My wife’s father had died on Christmas Day and when I had to report back to duty in Sydney we decided she would stay to help her Mother. I dove over the Centenary bridge sometime in January just before Brisbane went under and will always remember the huge barge forced against the bridge and threatening it’s integrity.

The Centenary bridge with attendant barge

I just got out but a few days later in Sydney I couldn’t contact my wife. No telegrams, no telephones and definitely no SMS then. My wife was seven months pregnant with our second child and I eventually found her helping friends clean out their flooded house. Tough bird! SMS back – daughters OK – Grandaughter collected from Creche and will all be here soon. My family is OK but thousands aren’t and some complete families have disappeared and are listed in the 72 missing. Queensland, perfect one day – recoiling in terror the next. God help them!


  • Glad the family is safe Kev.

  • Thoughts from afar, Kev. I would appreciate your advice, on where to direct some funds that will best assist those in trouble in Qld., particularly ex service folks, but not a ‘must’.

    I have serious reservations about the major NGOs after the Aceh debacle.

    Best wishes to all Banana Benders in this troubling time.

    • Hi Kev,

      Did you take the photo of the grain barge at Jindalee? I would love to use it in a small book I am trying to write to raise funds for the flood victims.



  • The RAR Asscn Qld are stepping in to help. Help will be directed primarily at identified ex infantrymen but will pass on to all or any deserving recipients.

    Bank: Commonwealth at Stafford
    Name of Account; Royal Australian Regiment Corporation
    BSB: 064 127
    Account Number: 1030 4915
    Reference: Qld Flood Appeal 2011

  • Ack, Kev.

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