Victimless Crimes

If ever there was a victimless crime, this is it. A female teacher has been sent to goal for 6 months for having sex with a student. Watching the student in an interview the other night left no doubt in my mind that he thought he was the cat’s pajamas. She is attractive, he seems to be a well adjusted young man and will be the envy of all his classmates. Not only did he score but it was all over the media. At that age many conversations among young men start with ‘I scored last night’, to be met with calls of Oh yeah…right…like no-way man. His biggest problem must be keeping the ‘chessire cat’ smile off his face when he was discussing it with his mother who is quoted as saying;
… she was happy with the final outcome. “Justice has been done with this woman, and for other victims of sexual abuse, I feel for them as well.”
On being sentenced, Karen Louise Ellis felt alone.
She was all alone, at the lowest point in her life, and no one – not her plumber husband Stephen, none of her three beloved children, nor the seventeen year old with whom she had an illegal sexual relationship – was there to comfort her.
I wonder why.


  • Hmmm, a tough one, the lad has obviously not suffered and there is no victim except perhaps the law which appears to have made an ass of itself again. If she’d got off I imagine there would have been howls of outrage – a jail term is the usual result of such cases in which the sexes are reversed.

  • She was originally given a suspended sentence but DPP appealed and she has been given 6 months to take it off the front pages. Something must be done, of course, to stop pedaphiles, or at least remove them from circulation for a while, but I’m not sure this is a good example.

    Society has drawn the line in the sand at age 16 for either sex – but I just can’t get it into my head that in this case the punishment fits the crime

  • I’m in total agreement with you. No-one can tell me that young man…..and he is a young man, not a gullible child……didn’t know what he was doing with his old fella and what the repercussions might have been when the word got out. Sure, the lady concerned should have been just a little smarter, and at the end of the day she’s the one that’s been hurt anyway, but a jail term doesn’t seem at all appropriate.

  • The problem is that the law has set a minimum age, if she walks on the basis of “no harm done”, then you have set up the perfect environment for a heap of “she was gagging for it” defences every time some male teacher fancies a bit of 15 year old girl – every one of them will claim, “I didn’t think it would do any harm”.

    Nobody who works with children these days can claim that they didn’t know that rooting one of them was illegal, she knew the rules and broke them – if nothing else you can argue that she got 6 months for stupidity.

    Do we allow “I didn’t hit anyone” as a defence for speeding?

  • after 30 years of marriage i discover my x is a phedophile. he had sex with 3 year old. did he get this in vietnam that it was ok. he thinks he just made a mistake. puke puke

  • No he didn’t just make a mistake Georgiana and no we never thought it was OK in Vietnam either. It’s never OK. You have my sympathy though..I hope things improve for you.

  • well we will see how justice rules in my daughters case and mine

  • Jude,
    I hope justice rules to your satisfaction – not that justice neccessarily eases pain but it may stop repeats.