Commonwealth Games

Over at The Punch Ross Neilson of Neilson Polls has a go at the Commonwealth Games saying they should be canned. He gets some well deserved flack in the comments but I must admit that I haven’t watched much of the Games on TV myself. To me, events like this are all about flogging the Poms and as we are currently doing exactly that in spades, as witness by the graphic below, then I only need to check in every now and then for some moral-boosting gloating. Well done guys and gals – you do your country proud.

One comment

  • Kev, While we may disagree on a few things we are certainly united in our views on rubbing it into the Poms and supporting those who represent our great country. If this is their trial for the 2012 Olympics in London I think they, the Poms will be sadly disappointed.

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