The Australian loses it!

The Australian continues it campaign on behalf of the terrorists by slowly cycling though their pics of jail-house ‘torture’ and their Thesaurus of superlatives. Horrific…disturbing..shocking. Apparently seven US soldiers are involved. Pretty weak stuff really, when compared with the Bergin killers. Fancy the Australian doing its best to impede democracy and not realizing that the world are over it. One soldier has been charged and goaled and others will follow although the animals who decapitated Nick Bergin will be unlucky if they all meet justice. Four have been arrested but I can’t see any pressure from the Western press to pursue justice with the alacrity that they demand for theTorturers Slats is getting sick of it and so am I. Two days ago they place a front page piece based on allegations from a Taliban ex-prisoner about Hicks being beaten up and now today they recycle the piece with Habib as the fall guy. Hicks’ lawyer, Stephen Kenny, says;
… that allegations of abuse against enemy combatants were now so overwhelmingthat there needed to be a “full and proper” inquiry into the treatment of prisoners in Afghanistan and Guantanamo Bay.
I think the word Stephen was looking for was underwhelming If The Australian publishes one ‘torture’ pic every three days they should be able to drag it out until the handover due late June. In the meantime they can maintain the rage about Gunatanamo by quoting some other reliable source, maybe another Taliban terrorist in Afghanistan. Hang on…Osama Bin Laden would most probably be willing to say his troops are being treated badly as well. That’s it, quote Bin Laden. Over to you Editor. Meanwhile, after a lot of searching for some truth on the Iraq War, I came across this piece. Surprisingly, not in a newspaper and definitely not in the Australian An extract;
I looked over and saw the two little kids that were on the bridge earlier, they were firing at me again. The older one, who had shot me earlier, was firing at the trailer and the semi, and the younger kid was firing two to three rounds at a time directly at me. I fired another round over their heads but they didn?t budge, and apparently they were not about to. Then I aimed at the younger kid’s chest and fired the round. It went into his throat and out the other side, and he dropped to the ground dead.
Read the whole piece before you demand he be sacked for shooting at innocent kids. Go is a very intense account of the 9 Apr ambush of a fuel convoy.


  • Fair dinkum Kev. Rory Callinan and Marty Chulov have made total tits of themselves. I cannot believe the utter shite they are sprouting.

  • Come on Kev, did you really think that the lefties in charge of the media would give an equitable account of things? Take Phillip Adams or that rag-doll Emma Tom. They are appauled at the “poor iraqi prisoners” mal-treatment. Shit and I’d thought these prisoners under terms of war were allowed to be interrogated to help save lives.
    The Iraqi’s have more than 50 hostages in their keep, some have already been killed in the same grotesque manner as Nick Berg, some worse, where’s their pathetic bleatings for these poor soles, most of whom are civillians?
    As fo Mambdu Habib, he was arrrested by Pakistan authorities on counts of supplying weapons to banned terror organisations in Pakistan and was wanted there for some years. Maybe the US should release him from Gittmo back to the Pakis’, they reckon they have a full compliment on the firing squad that want to implement Paki punishment to him.
    But fear not Kev, I actually witnessed Neil Mitchell on the 7 sunrise show this morning blast amnesty and the other bleeding hearts and mention that Nick Bergs death was far worse. He’ll be shot at down for being truthful and going against the leftist regime.