Tropical Heatwave
My daughter Liz says;
You know you’re in Brisbane today when:-
The best parking space is determined by shade instead of distance. Hot water comes out of both taps. You learn that a seat belt buckle makes a pretty good branding iron. The temperature drops below 35c and you feel a little chilly. You discover that in February it only takes two fingers to steer your car. You discover that you can get sunburnt through your car window. You develop a fear of metal car door handles. You break a sweat the instant you step outside at 7:30am. Your biggest bicycle wreck fear is, “What if I get knocked out and end up lying on the pavement and cook to death?” You realise that asphalt has a liquid state. Farmers are feeding their chickens crushed ice to prevent them from laying hard-boiled eggs. The cows are giving evaporated milk. The trees are whistling for the dogs. While walking back barefoot to your car from the beach, you do a tightrope act on the white lines in the car park. You catch a cold from having the aircon full blast while you sleep during the night. You learn that David Jones isn’t a department store its a temple to worship air-conditioningOver in West Australia Yobbo is having a fight with the local power company and the Gallop Government. Yobbo, not given to verbosity at the best of times, gives a terse message. It seems the State government are confused as to their responsibilities. Let’s run down our service and then fine punters thousands when they use too much. On TV, here in Brisbane, the local authority, obviously trying to avoid terse messages such as Yobbo’s, have promised they can handle the heatwave. 41 deg c forecast for Saturday and Sunday. Not too big a deal but like the chill factor at the South Pole, here in the tropics you have to factor in the humidity. Currently it is 28 deg C with my Weather Channel readout saying ‘feels like 32 deg’ – humidity is adding 4 deg and it is night now. On the weekend 41 deg is going to feel like 45+. Hey. I no complain. House airconditioned and the pool looks inviting albeit the water temp has been hovering at 32 deg all this week. The weather man says it will be the hottest February since the 1930’s. Should give the Greenies a buzz.