It’s raining

<i>On the way to the bank</i>

On the way to the bank

Something like nearly 300 ml (about 12 inches for metric disadvantage folk) fell on my suburb over the past 24 hours.  Not to be put off I went down to do the banking and had to negotiate some water over the road. I sat for a while and watched other people and their different approaches to the problem.  People with 4WDs didn’t worry and most small sedans turned around to find another way.  One idiot in a Lada sedan (had to be an idiot to buy it) didn’t even slow down…hit the water at about 40 kph, got swamped by the bow wave and then tried to back out. Gee, his motor stalled. I drove on. More at the Courier Mail


  • I had to travel down the Warrego to Brisbane and back yesterday – not out of choice. It’s amazing the proportion of drivers who seem to believe that the prevailing conditions are a figment of their imaginations. The only adjustment they seem to make is to drive faster. Consequently, there were half a dozen who had aquaplaned off the road along the Ipswich Motorway. Fortunately none had hit anything solid and most finished up bogged on the median strip.
    There was one fatality near Gatton. Someone had parked by the side of the road, but was not far enough to the left to be safe. I remember seeing him (small white sedan) and muttering to myself that he was in for trouble. This morning I read that he was hit by a B Double. It must have happened just after I went through.

  • “One idiot in a Lada sedan (had to be an idiot to buy it”

    Pure gold Kev.

    A little dip in the road on the way to mums flooded last night. it was not fast flowing and about 15 meters across. I took the little Rav through no probs. Hope all is well at your joint, My new drainage did the job.