A tiny Scottish island distillery
A tiny Scottish island distillery has been under observation by US agents. The agency had been monitoring the distillery plant and noticed one of the web cams were faulty. They reported that fact to the company!
They said they had been monitoring our webcams because the process of making something very innocuous and pleasant is close to making weapons of mass destruction, apparently,” Mr Reynier said.
The story sounds a bit iffy to me and one you would take with a grain of salt. Why, for example did the agency feel they had to put the distillery under observation to see if they were procucing WMD. Why didn’t they just front the company and ask to see the invoices for chemicals? It’s in Scotland after all, not Iraq.
On a lighter note, Mr Reynier, the MD, abbrogates his responsibilities by using the word ‘innocuous’ to describe his company’s product. Having been a bagpiper for many a long year I can tell you whiskey destroys and you only have to go to a Highland gathering to see it’s ‘mass destruction’ capabilities.
Anyway, just so you know I’m not making it up, check the article out here
Update: This from an alert reader (see comments) The Bruichladdich Distillery in Scotland has decided to cooperate with the authorities and has provided the WMD inspectors with their own link. Scroll down to find it.