Bush Bunkered

Fears an unidentified aircraft had entered restricted space near the White House prompted security officials to move President George Bush from the Oval Office to an underground shelter today. Only a so-so story but what got my interest was this;
Security officers toting shotguns took up positions around the White House compound during the incident.
I trust they have a better plan to stop planes crashing into the Whitehouse. Some missiles maybe.


  • Surely. But I have to say my boy, when in Baghdad, carried a shotgun as his weapon of choice–it’s much messier and has tremendous psychological impact.

    Actually, it let him use beanbags on the teenaged hoods. In close quarters, though, he was pretty certain of a hit with OO buckshot.

  • I agree with shotguns as personal weapons but I was talking about the threat of a plane. Shotguns are no good against that except at the very last nanosecond of your life you may have the chance to shoot the pilot but to small advantage if he is a kamikazi.