Howard awarded well deserved gong

JOHN Howard will receive the US Presidential Medal of Freedom at a White House ceremony next week. The award is the highest civilian honour bestowed by a United States president.
Mr Howard is being honoured for his role in fighting terrorism and for standing by the US as an ally during his 11 years as prime minister. “Yes, I am honoured by it, more because of the compliment it pays to our country Australia,” Mr Howard said on ABC Radio.
Well done, John


  • Kev

    Howard’s in interesting company. Other recipients of this honour include* –

    Edward R Murrow – (Murrow produced a series of TV news reports that helped lead to the censure of Senator Joseph McCarthy).

    Jesse Louis Jackson, (American civil rights activist and Barak Obama supporter)

    Edgar Wayburn (noted environmentalist who was elected president of the Sierra Club five times in the 1960s).

    Helmut Josef Michael Kohl.( Kohl was one of the main architects together with French President François Mitterrand, of the Maastricht Treaty, which created the European Union).

    Colin Luther Powell, (He was the first, and so far the only, African American to serve on the Joint Chiefs of Staff. He also endorsed Barak Obama).

    George Stanley McGovern, (As a senator and decorated World War II combat veteran, McGovern was noted for his opposition to the Vietnam War)

    James Earl “Jimmy” Carter, Jr. (Ex POTUS)

    Muhammad Ali (Boxer and draft resistor)

    * Source – Wikipedia

    It would be great to be a fly on the wall if they had a reunion of recipients, especially if Jesse Jackson, Colin Powell and Howard were at the same table, and the conversation got round to Barak Obama.

  • Finally threw his lap dog a biscuit.

  • You’ve got the bull by the foot Eddie.
    When it comes to matters political, the blog owner and I agree on very little (except perhaps what constitutes a twit).
    Read the post again – carefully this time.

  • Well done John Howard – Australia’s greatest prime minister of recent times.

  • Well done crawling sychophant!

    Eddie – spot on mate !