Good polls for Rudd

KEVIN Rudd has emerged from the days of the financial crisis as popular as he ever was and has overtaken Malcolm Turnbull on economic management.
The Government’s $10.4 billion emergency economic boost and the guarantee for all bank deposits has been enthusiastically endorsed.
Endorsed, I presume, by people happy with short term solutions. As in “He’s a good manager because he’s giving me a thousand per kid for zip” or pensioner couples getting a “couple of grand for Christmas” As I understand it, the guarantee for all bank deposits has occasioned a run on all non bank deposits that self funded retirees use to live on. As a consequence of this several non bank investment houses have frozen their assets to prevent people withdrawing their funds and transferring them to the guaranteed banks. I wonder if anyone canvassed the self funded retirees on Rudd’s economic credentials? I doubt whether it’s all sunk in yet but it won’t take many more stuff-ups like this; coupled with jobs disappearing and companies going to the wall before the punters start looking at Rudd without their rose coloured glasses.

One comment

  • As one comedian recently said of Rudd and his handouts, “when you stop feeding the pidgeons, they go back to shitting on your head”.

    The surplus was only $20 billion, and he has already flushed $10 billion, so the freebies will stop fairly soon.