Protesters attacked!

POLICE have been called to investigate a film showing protester’s car being smashed by logging contractors.
The man and woman protesters were using a “dragon” technique, in which they put their arms into a pipe running through the floor of the car and into a concrete block in the ground below.
Thus stopping the men going about their legal business, costing them money, costing the company money and impacting on family and shareholders. I don’t know if I’d take an axe to the oxygen thieve’s car but I do understand the loggers frustration and so long as no one is seriously hurt I’d be the last person to condemn them. The film is inconclusive in that no one can be identified and thus it could be initiated by the oxygen thieves themselves. Nothing to see here…move along and stop giving the idiots media exposure.


  • Kev, I am freinds with a few of these so called “oxygen thieves” You do understand that these loggers are destroying some of the worlds oldest growth and most pristine forests for woodchipping? It is a national discrace aimed at lining th pockets of a few. You could actually probably call the loggers the oxygen theives as they are destroying forest that converts vast amounts of CO2 into life giving O2.

  • Ah yes, some of your friends. I met one once who thought communists were just another political party like the Libs or the ALP. I didn’t correct him as he was a nice chap but I could’ve said well yes, I suppose they are except they’ve killed millions of their own citizens…and…or…I’m amazed at your ignorance.

    These friends of yours would spit on me because I served in Vietnam and during the actual conflict took collections for the NLF to better enable them to kill Australian and American sons. They would stop my Mother’s family from going about their legal livelihood felling timber. They will be ecstatic if Obama wins because his friends are their friends…blowing up federal buildings in the US..murdering innocent civilians and all the time living off the dole the society they hate, generously gives them.

    The true heroes of the debate are the park rangers, the scientists, the farmers, the people who advocate tree planting and the cleaning of our waterways, the people who look for alternative power sources and the engineers and capitalism that will bring these ideas to market.

    CO2, the great Satan of the AWG mob. Long after I’m gone and possibly after you’re gone, scientists will maybe, just maybe, be beginning to understand all the factors that impact on climate and weather and we can only hope that until that time, reason prevails and we don’t bust our economy and put people out of work for an alarmist, fire and brimstone breathing false God.

    And those Greenies in Tasmania – they don’t contribute to the debate at all – they are oxygen thieves pure and simple