Rudd reaches new depths

PRIME Minister Kevin Rudd witnessed a heated discussion between US President George W. Bush and his Russian counterpart, Vladimir Putin, over Russia’s invasion of a tiny neighbouring country as athletes paraded before them in the Opening Ceremony on Friday night. And then told the press about it …the little lickspittle. How embarrassing!


  • How come the hyperlink for Kevin Rudd goes nowhere and there is no link to the source of this story? I’d like to read more…


    Not sure how this makes him a lickspittle, perhaps I haven’t been reading your blog long enough to get it.

    One thing’s for sure, Kevin will use every chance to make out he is running just about any show, when in fact he’s a passenger at the back of the bus.

  • The hyperlink didn’t work because obviously I wasn’t paying attention…fixed now.

    I think lickspittle describes his attitude to the Australian people…look at me… I have a studied opinion on everything…I hobnob with the world leaders..I am fixing up your fuel and grocery problems…admire me….believe in for me.

    I think he’s an insincere bureaucrat – not a leader.

  • Kev,
    For some real political theatre, follow your your link as far as “Galloway and the mother of all invective” to read a report of Galloway’s appearance before the US senate. To watch a short extract live see –
    Whether you agree with his political affiliations or not, he makes the stuffy Washington establishment look silly – great entertainment! Galloway is an ex-boxer, and he obviously believes that attack is the best form of defence. It works for him.

  • Ah yes! George Galloway friend of Saddam, enemy of his own country and their soldiers; complicit in oil for money scandals; kicked out of the UK parliament for statements he made in the very youtube video you link

    GEORGE GALLOWAY faced new questions last night after a UN inquiry tracked additional payments of Iraqi oil money into his wife’s bank account.

    Days after a US Senate committee tracked a $150,000 (£84,000) payment to the MP’s now estranged Palestinian wife, the UN inquiry reported that Amina Naji Abu Zayyad had earlier received a series of transfers totalling $120,000.

    The revelation increases the pressure on the vocal anti-war politician, whom the report says was nicknamed “Abu Mariam” by the Iraqis, a reference to his anti-sanctions campaign, the Mariam Appeal.

    The Respect MP for Bethnal Green and Bow already faces a parliamentary ethics inquiry and possible criminal charges for making “false or misleading” statements during his celebrated confrontation with US Senators in May.

    No I don’t find him entertaining as I don’t find comedians entertaining when they target the establishment and try and make it look silly based on mindless prattle.

    Here’s another link re Galloway

  • Kev
    Galloway’s major crime is that he took the establishment (both in the UK and the USA) head-on and made them look silly. His opponents have spent almost ten years trying to link him with Saddam’s money – with no conclusive evidence. The story behind that link you posted was discredited years ago. I don’t care much for his political stance, but I admire the man’s courage and his treatment of lies and spin.
    Whatever happened to the Australian value of backing the underdog? Targeting the establishment is at the heart and soul of our national ethos. Australians have never taken themselves as seriously as our compatriots from the other side of the Pacific or in the UK, and this is a major national strength. Australians also have a very low opinion of authority for its own sake which goes some of the way towards explaining why they have always made great fighting soldiers. My personal experience with both Yanks and Brits is that (with a few exceptions – Southerners – usually black – in the US, and Northerners – especially Yorkshiremen in the UK) they lack this essential quality. Besides, Galloway was brought up a Catholic in Dundee, which is probably why he needed to be able to defend himself – hence the amateur boxing.
    Incidentally, he was demonstrating against Saddam when the Yanks and Brits were selling guns to Iraq and the Germans gas. To understand the history of Iraq, you need to go back a lot further than the last ten years.

  • …was discredited years ago

    Was it? I read where the investigation on whether he had received money from the Food for oil program was not allowed access to his or his wifes bank account. It wasn’t discredited, they just weren’t allowed to check on him.

    Reading Wikopedia he represents everything I have fought against and despised and just because he is articulate doesn’t make him any less dangerous.