Rudd attacks substance with spin

KEVIN Rudd has launched a stinging attack on his predecessor, branding John Howard “an absolute failure” in preparing Australia for the end of the international economic boom. Howard tried to stop you gaining power and ending the boom, or at least Australia’s part of it, but the voters didn’t see it that way – blame them Kevin. Of course, all Kevin’s doing is talking up his Carbon Trading scheme and in doing so he must mention Howard’s supposed poor form on climate change as the ALP’s plan moves closer and closer to the original Coalition scheme. Given time and ample spin the punters will believe that Howard did nothing and that Rudd is the man.
(Rudd) said Australia had been left behind in education, had ignored the damage of climate change and had failed to respond to changes in the region and the world, including the rise of China and India as economic superpowers.
Unmitigated crap but tell the lie often enough and people will believe that spin is substance. They did in November last year, they’ll do it again.


  • …of course, our Kevin won’t elaborate on the fact that the states are responsible for education, nor that the states were the ones who refused to co operate with the federal government and let the Murray River choke to death while they played games.
    I wonder what he’s going to do when he discovers the global trend is now toward cooling?. And that it will no longer be trendy to be a warmenist.
    Lathams meltdown was good entertainment, but Kevvies is going to be spectacular.
    I’ve taken up watching TV again just so I won’t miss it!.

  • Maybe not Kev. He is starting to sink already.

  • Hope you’re right Drover.