Art for pedophiles

Olympia, an 11 year old girl, has become a pawn in the debate over photos of prepubescent children being publicized for arts sake, or, as might be the case, for increased magazine sales. Her parents – the flamboyant, bow-tied art critic for The Age, Robert Nelson, and his photographer wife – allowed the nude photographs to be published to protest the furore over “similar pictures” taken by Bill Henson. They hustled their mite before the nation’s cameras yesterday, so that she, at age 11, could insist that she didn’t mind being photographed wearing only her Grandma’s pearls, and displayed in a magazine.
“I think that the picture my mum took of me had nothing to do with being abused and I think nudity can be a part of art,” she said, in words that sounded somehow unlike her own.
In another article she has been primed to say
“I’m really, really offended by what Kevin Rudd had to say about this picture.”
Sorry sweetheart, you were six when the photo was taken and are only 11 now. Your opinion and any words you say have no bearing on the matter. Go to your room now and play with your barbie doll. Jesus wept!


  • Well, I suppose we are to be told that Caravaggio trussed up Japanese schoolgirls, or the Pope ha a picture of one on a ceiling. By associating a naked six year old girl with Nobuyoshi Araki, who has been arrested a few times as a sadistic pornographer, the magazine, is telling the people of Oz, that pro-pedophilia is a grant subsidized future.

  • I just think it’s the art community talking to the art community. I can’t see their grants being threatened as deep down, the people who administer the grants agree with the artists or the grants wouldn’t have happened in the first place.

    Let them stew in their own immorality while we get on with life.