Fuel Watch, Nuke Watch, Oil Watch….

Having fixed up Australia and all her ‘conservative government’ caused problems Rudd is now overseas fixing world problems. In the ancient Japanese city of Kyoto Australia’s Chief Clerk outlines his vision for saving the world. He plans to set up an Australian answer to the Nuclear Proliferation Treaty, headed by Cheryl Kernot’s old boyfriend and former Hawke/Keating man, Gareth Evans. This is a recycled ALP idea as Evans set up an organization called the Canberra Commission on eliminating nuclear weapons during Labour’s last shot at glory. The Commission basically said a lot and achieved nothing and that’s exactly what we can expect from the ‘new’ initiative. Deja Vu Greg Sheridan nails Gareth with this line;
Any document written by Evans is bound to be lengthy, well informed, well researched, judicious, professional, comprehensive, pedantic and ineffective.
Which is exactly how I remember Gareth. All this comes from Rudd’s visit to the bombed out city of Hiroshma where he was so moved as to look ‘subdued’ and ‘found himself reaching for his wifes hand’. God help us! Rudd also spoke well of the Kyoto agreement and how much the city had contributed to the world and I guess if you’re a visitor it is incumbent on you to say words of praise but really what has Kyoto achieved other than some left wing votes for dubious governments. To compliment his Fuel Watch program whereby fuel costs are ‘watched’ and somehow lower themselves under Rudd’s steely gaze he has applied a similar approach to oil. Let’s call it Oil Watch where he accuses oil-producing nations of deliberately distorting the supply of oil to maintain high prices and has demanded the Group of Eight nations intervene. They seem to think that prices have surged because of market speculators putting large amounts of funds into oil, not because of a lack of supply. But who are they to doubt the wisdom of our own Superman Rudd? I wonder if Whaling has made the agenda yet? Probably not but then I think he’s got all the votes he wanted from his previous incursion into whaling where he dispatched a customs ship to take pics to add to the photo gallery of millions of other pics of Japanese whalers going about their legal business. This government is at risk of being very long on setting up inquiries and Commissions and very short on actually doing anything but in the interim the entertainment value is priceless.