Blogging break

I’m off to the RGH Greenslopes to have a femoral artery rebore so will be otherwise involved for a week. By the time I get back Wayne Swan will have done his part in stuffing the economy as he builds up reasons for a conservative come-back. Is the honeymoon over? I note Denis Shanahan pens a negative report on the Rudd government.
LABOR’S industrial relations changes are likely to trigger job losses and higher inflation that will ultimately create “wage-price spirals” and drive up interest rates, according to Treasury’s official analysis of the plan to scrap Work Choices.
And that’s before we delve into the Unfair Dismissal laws. Wage increase can’t flow on: Gillard. But they will Julia, the union power play/you owe us, Rudd approach to fiscal conservatism is about to roll over us. I’m reading books all week in hospital and will wait and see what come out in the wash next week.