2020 jury in

Discounting Left wing sources the general consensus seems to be it was a left-wing talk fest. Many, myself included, feel it smacks of Gorge Orwell’s Nineteen Eighty-Four. As Jeremy Sammut points out Big Brother (The original Big Brother, not that stupid TV show) is looming. Treaties before kids, A Bill of Rights before Industry, A Republic before water problems and a host of motherhood statements all culminating in larger government as outlined by Henry Ergas, CEO of Concept Economics.
The outcomes paper makes this clear, with recommendations for creating more than 20 new government agencies and instrumentalities, without a single agency, instrumentality, spending program or current government function being identified that ought to be cut back.
The weekend is ably summed up by John Capel in his letter to the editor of The Australian
THE summit showed how carefully contrived questions put to carefully selected participants will result in totally predictable outcomes. John Capel Black Rock, Vic
I will waste no more time on the Summit but wait expectantly for actual outcomes that benefit the nation as a whole. Waiting….waiting….