2020 talkfest not getting down to business

BUSINESS leaders are fuming after only four small-business representatives were accepted for this weekend’s 2020 Summit, far fewer than the red carpet of celebrities attending. FOUR! Film stars abound for Rudd/Celebrity photo ops, Union leaders everywhere, Members of the Church of the Latter Day Alarmists (Global warming advocates), Greenies and Academics all queuing up for their fifteen minutes of fame but only .04% representation from a group that employs over four million Australians. Makes sense in a Lefty/ALP sort of way. Opposition small business spokesman Steve Ciobo joined in the attack, accusing Prime Minister Kevin Rudd of “gagging” the industry.
“I want to know how Mr Rudd plans to have a decent discussion on the future of small business when the people who can bring a real perspective to the table won’t even be there.
Dr Emerson (Minister for Innovation, Industry, Science and Research) replies;
“only the Opposition” could continue to be negative about a major summit to discuss the ambitions of the nation. “From the outset the Government has been clear that people would be selected on merit and not on their ability to represent peak organisations,” he said.
Hence the brace of Union Reps and as a matter on interest, just how does Cate Blanchet fit into that formula?


  • Kev
    Tony Stevens (Council of Small Business) was not happy – Peter Anderson (Australian Chamber of Commerce) “was happy with the numbers”. Perhaps this is more a commentary on the disproportinate influence of the big end of town, rather than a reflection on the summit.
    In any case, how many small business operators would have the time to scoot off to Canberra to participate? For most – no fat – no expense account – no time off.

  • Tony’s not happy, Peter is but Kevin isn’t. Four out of a thousand says afterthought and tokenism to me. The ALP wouldn’t want to many small businessmen there – they may winge about Unfair Dismissal laws or Union power or general things that aren’t contained in ALP/Leftie ideology.

    Now movie actors…well that’s different. They vote left as a block and are good for photo opportunities to show the voters, those among them who think actors opinions matter, that Rudd is in good company and admired by the movie set as well as the media.

    We’ll need gyroscopes to control the spin coming out of Canberra this weekend. I’ll take bets on who uses the words “standing ovation” first. The ABC, SBS or The Age.

  • Just like Tony Blair and the so called “Cool Britania” crap ten years ago.
    Its all just rubbish, spin, preening, posing and window dressing.
    All the while in the background they set about destroying the constitution, the economy, society and pretty much everything about the UK that was good.

    What price the same happening in Aus?