
Last night I deleted 41,000 spam emails from our server. All I have to do now is change the tags of every post and remove the allow pings option. If anyone knows how bulk edit posts please leave a comment as I have about 2,000 posts to edit. If you have emailed me over the last week, please try again. In the interests of doing the bulk delete as quickly as possible I chose not to check every email…30 seconds x 41,000….obvious choice wasn’t it? Wouldn’t be Monday without some problem, would it?

One comment

  • I do not know what happened but my first reply took off without my permission- is Kevie hacking??
    When this happened to me a while back I had to get onto the server and they erased it all from their central computer. I hope this helps.
    PS my husband a ‘Sandgroper’ from Albany many moons ago. Hope to get there one day.
    Good luck with the e.mail