Holly beats the needle

The saga of my old Golden Retriever continues as she fights the Vet’s needle. Last week the vet said she had a neurological bleed or tumor and to give her these tablets. If she survives three days all OK, if not I’ll have to put her to sleep…..that will be $88.00 thank you. Wednesday, Thursday and Friday she sat and made all the noises of a dying dog. panting, incontinent and generally stressing everyone out. Friday night I saw no hope and resolved to visit the executioner on Saturday morning. Saturday morning, while I was reading the Australian and procrastinating about the vet visit she leapt to her feet,well struggled actually, and tried to walk to the bathroom (the grass out the back). Later that day and on Sunday, as kids and neighbours came to say good bye she got up and greeted each and everyone. Sunday she ate and walked to the water bowl and today she is out the back checking out lizards and making sure no cats got in while she was indisposed. She’s not a hundred percent yet but no way can I let the Vet needle her. She has won a reprieve and I hope we can now fatten her up(didn’t eat for five days) and enjoy her company for another month or two or even a year….or two Hope springs eternal in the human breast.