I’ve had better weeks

Went for an angiogram last Wednesday. The Doctor had trouble finding the femerol artery and pushed into an non-anesthetized area….arched back..nausea…lowering blood pressure…male equivalent of screaming..followed by appropriate but rude words to Doctor. The Doctor found the spot and then disappeared leaving the nurses and female radiographer to apologise and calm me down. Was dispatched home in a yellow cab – the driver and the shockies were about the same age. Got home and sulked. Three days later blood had tracked to my manhood and everything was black which is not a good look for a white anglo chap. Went to emergency on Easter Sunday to be told lots of words which summarized as go home and stop acting like a girl. The pain will go in two weeks and the bruising in four. Sitting out the back by the pool (still sulking) and Holly, my faithful golden retriever of 15 years walks towards me, drops her head into a tilt and walks into the ground. The vet says neurological bleed or tumor, give her these tablets. If she survives three days all OK, if not I’ll have to put her to sleep…..that will be $88.00 thank you. Wake at 4.00 am (damn! they are sore) make a coffee and sit outside talking and stroking old retriever. Reminded her of how she helped us bring up five kids. Reminded her how she used to walk the kids to the bus and one day said bus ran over her. She limped home like a mongrel dog and licked herself better. Next week she resumed escort duties and never got caught again. She always was a timid soul. When she was about five she actually barked at a possum and the whole family went out and congratulated her. She’s a gentle soul and loved by everyone she meets and she will be sorely missed. Holly Dogs guarding house. Holly is on the left Told her that Kevin Rudd was considering setting up a committee to look into aging retrievers and their problems. As sick as she is she managed to roll her eyes. Take it easy old girl and go well.


  • Sorry about your loss Kev.

  • Kev
    Sorry to hear about your dog. Sounds like she had a good life.
    We lost a Red Heeler last year- originally a birthday present for my son who was 10 at the time and is now 25, so not a bad innings for a dog. He had Lymphoma – so there was not a lot could be done. Worst part was towards the end when he went blind and would get lost and walk into things. He stayed placid and responsive until he died, and we miss him.
    When it comes to dogs we’ve decided “no more” as the kids have either left home or are into different and more exciting pursuits – literally – such as the opposite sex.
    (“When it comes to …” – now I’m beginning to sound like Rudd’s speech writer.)
    You must have put the wind up the doc if he disappeared. My youngest brother is a GP, and I wouldn’t trust him with a blunt kitchen knife let alone a catheter. Generally the nurses are a safer bet, but unfortunately you don’t usually get a choice.

  • I think the Dr disappeared because he was embarrassed. On Monday I see the Specialist who will get a full report but I doubt anything will happen.

  • I see Holly made an excellent pillow!

  • I once remarked that she would make a good rug for the office when she goes but wife and three daughters suggested I’d never see it as my eyes would be scratched out. Try and crack a joke…..

  • HI Kev
    Sorry about Holly – a friend at work had two golden retrievers, unfortunately they both became ill at the same time. One with a tumor and the other with pneumonia. Sidney didn’t make it. Sheba recovered from her pneumonia.
    They are beautiful dogs.

    Sorry about your, er, dangly bits. I had catheterisation years ago at PA and was a bit bruised, however it was restricted to my groin (and being a girl….).

  • The old girl ain’t dead yet!

  • Kae,
    So delicately put. I’ve stopped walking like a cowboy and have put away the walking stick. Today I saw the specialist and gave him an earful about the radiography department. He will have forgotten as I walked out the door but never mind and thankfully pain is not a lasting memory.