The first 100 days

Rudd has released a booklet on his first 100 days of government. I calculated the days from the day after his election win; Rudd says he calculates it from the day his government were sworn into power and fair enough too so maybe today is just an anniversary of a 100 days of my concern for my country. Either way readers can download a .pdf file of the booklet here. Chairman Rudd’s gospel is full of promise with a couple of achievements to date but if everything he promises does eventuate it will truly be a revolution. Revolution…nasty word that. Rudd says no to Left agenda and has assured mainstream Australia he will avoid radical social and cultural change by resisting calls to broaden his reform agenda and by sticking to his election promises. I know Rudd isn’t from the left but a lot of his team are and it is they that I worry about, particularly when one looks at Rudd’s achievements in this first 100 days. I think it disingenuous of Rudd to claim he is saying no to Left agenda in light of the following; #1..Climate Change. Signed the Koyoto treaty- a symbolic but meaningless act that has more potential to harm our economy than do the ecology any good. #2..Apology. Said sorry to indigenous Aussies and is having trouble putting the stopper back in the bottle of compensation. Is busy winding back Howard and Brough’s plan to actually help our mates and has reinstated the permit system that has helped to hide the horrific problems recently headlined in the Australian Although plenty of punters from all sides and age groups agree with the apology they are going to react differently when compensation is discussed. Should there be no discernible difference to Indigenous life styles a year down the track people are going to be asking hard questions. #3 Whaling. Sent a government ship on a fools errand at great expense for little gain, if any, that basically supported a radical greenie who has a history of ramming and sinking fishing trawlers going about their legal business, including indigenous ones. #4..Uranium. Renegs on previously authorised sale of Uranium to India Another win for the Left wing of the ALP with their ideological based hatred of uranium. Apparently it’s OK to cosy up to the Chinese Communist Dictatorship but not to sell a legitimate product to the Indian Democracy #5..Union Power. Initiates a review to clamp down on overuse of foreign-owned ships to transport freight around the nation’s coastline in a bid to bolster the shipping industry. Or, more importantly, from Albanese himself; blockquote>
“This review will be about boosting Australia’s international competitiveness and finding ways to increase coastal shipping’s share of the domestic freight market.
What Anthony means is the review will be all about reinstating the power of the Maritime Union of Australia enabling them to run our coastal shipping as they see fit and not have the industry run by any damn politician from Canberra. Climate Change, Apology, Uranium, Union power and Whaling are all causes initiated by the Left Wing and although some from the Center and even the Right of politics dabble in them from time to time depending on media coverage, they are clearly Left born. So far, if your Green or Left you should be happy. The other 85% of the country should be concerned. I wouldn’t deny there is some potential in his plans but the bulk of the booklet is about what he is going to do once the hundreds of reviews are submitted. A review of this; a committee for that – suggests he didn’t have a plan to start with and I wonder whether Bureaucrat Rudd is holding ascendancy over Leader Rudd. Time will tell.