Cate still playing Queen of the Fairies

Women, well OK, some a few women are complaining about the lack of gender balance at Rudd’s 2020 talk fest. They should be more concerned that the only person representing their gender in Rudd’s major Distraction of the First Quarter is an actress. OK, so she’s a good actress but she cites Gore as her hero and lets face it, once fittingly played the Queen of the fairies.(LOTR) and has also worked out how to recycle and drink her own body waste. If I was a woman I’d be insulted as well. There are mobs of women better qualified and more acceptable to the non-left majority of the country but I guess that’s not the prerequisite for selection. A symbolic woman for a symbolic talk fest.


  • People have a sex – gender relates to language.

    As for actors; they speak words written by someone else and move and make facial expressions when directed.

    This of course makes them uniquely qualified to decide the future of our country.

    Just ask them…

  • You could be right about Gender vs Sex but English is a living language and is subject to change. I googled ‘gender politics’ and got 7.8 million hits and I wrote that line using a verb that didn’t exist a year or two ago but is now mainstream.

    No need to ask them is there? They tell us every day.

  • I agree Kev, no need to ask them =)

    Wiv gendaaa I was lerned proper at an erly age.

    It’s true ‘gender’ has replaced ‘sex’ in many instances but I prefer the ‘old’ way.

    I get peeved when I hear silly PC uses of the word gender e.g. “what gender is the baby?”

    It’s gratuitous, babies have a sex; boy, girl, male, female and undecided lefty (like 17).

    I wasn’t picking on you, your use of the word in the context; “lack of gender balance” is quite correct.

    By the way have you downloaded Dear Leader Rudd’s “Wot I did on my 100 day holiday”.

    I’m sure 17 will be quoting from it for months.

    It is a hundred days of hilarity – 58 pages of fixed smile phrases so nauseating you’ll need an entire box of anti-emetics to get through the whole document.

    I can see the new ‘onwards to the next 100 days with Dear Leader Rudd’ banners being unfurled in every school at the behest of the country’s new ‘Head Librarian’.

    Strident voices will call us to order on street corners with “100 days of glorious leadership – all hail Dear Leader.”

    It’s a fabulous example of the left in government, a peoples’ paradise, a socialist nirvana like the home of my favourite cartoon character Kim Jong-il.

    A world striding statesman otherwise known as; “Great Leader”, “Fearless Leader”, “the great successor to the revolutionary cause” – the gay man’s dictator, lover of colourful parades and card waving synchronised dance troops.

    Still I suppose he’s saved the ABC, Age and Sydney Morning Herald thousands of dollars by providing them with a couple of weeks of editorials and opinion pieces.

  • “I’m sure 17 will be quoting from it for months.”

    Aw gee, Peter whatever – I’m touched.

    BTW – what was Ronald Reagan’s profession? But then, he was of the “right” (whatever that means) – so he was OK.

    I terms of the 100 day document – Rudd is simply a savvy operator, so he’s making the most of the honeymoon. Personally, I find the use of cliché and mediaspeak pretty banal, but it works. It is 2008, in case you have been asleep for a decade or two. Your obsession with a political paradigm that was relevant thirty years ago makes me suspect that you have.

    Having said that, have you listened to Dear Leader Brendan recently? He’s following the old VC tactic of holding the enemy by the belt. Policies on Global Warming, Nuclear Power, Whaling, and Workchoices (through Julie Bishop\’s gritted teeth) are so close as to be indistinguishable.

    For Tuckey, Downer and Vaile, it’s obviously all too much – taxpayer funded absences are obviously easier to bear than the back bench.