Pit Bulls again

Recently a pit bull that was ‘loved by everyone’ attacked two women, one of whom is the dog owner’s 11 year old sister who presumably doesn’t love the dog anymore. The young girl is recovering from re constructive surgery to her leg. People are actually having a debate as to whether the tradie who dropped the dog with a nail gun did the right thing. Some are saying “Dogs don’t kill people,” “people who breed killer dogs kill people”. Well, working on the basis that we can’t arbitrarily or summarily execute dog owners, the only way to stop the problem is to shoot the dog. More;
“The tradesman should be investigated and charged with cruelty to animals. No animal deserves to die.”
and, more wierdly;
“Everyone is always quick to put the poor dog down, even when all it did was act on instinct and do what it thought was right.”
The fact that crocodiles eat people ‘on instinct‘ while ‘doing what they think is right‘ is no reason not to shoot the beast as it tries to eat a member of your family. I bet these people even get to vote and voted for the shiny thing in the next paddock – Rudd Flashback: A family gathering at a small farm in South West Australia. Uncle Sam’s cattle dog bites me, a five year old, on the leg in the corridor. Uncle Sam, with my father breathing down his neck, kills the dog on the spot. Yep, in the corridor of the farm house. A .22 cal round in the head with some care taken as to ensure the bullet doesn’t ricochet ended that dogs attempt to climb up the evolutionary chain. That’s what you do with dogs that attack people. Anything else is ignoring the relevant species’s master/servant relationship. The distraught owner says she wants another pit bull and this link has a pic of her crying over the dog’s body. Her sister will be pleased.


  • You cannot reason with dog owners – they are as deaf to complaints about their dog(s) as they are to complaints about their children. If their dog savages someone it is not the dog’s fault. Never has been, never will be.

    Likewise, the barking of their dog is not a problem for them – as far as they are concerned the dog is frightened, doing what it is supposed to do, tired, sick, missing its mate or upset about climate change.

    Best advice I have received takes the following forms:

    1. Do not call the council. You will be identified and regarded as a whinger by the dog owners and the other dog owning neighbours. Moreover, the council will do nothing except make clucking noises.

    2. Buy a mobile and call the offending owner’s number each time the dog barks and then redial for some time after it stops. Never answer that mobile.

    3. If that does not light a bulb, keep smiling at the owners and admiring the dog – then poison it and sympathise with the owners.

  • You’re right, there a dipshit dog owners. The guy behind me has a staffy who is the smartest life form in the family. When he mows the lawn, the staffy barks at the mower for the entire time while the owner blithely mows away.

    I have two dogs, Retreiver and lab who couldn’t savage a marshmallow but do bark at possums thinking they are cats. They get yelled at and locked inside the office until they revert to the pool ornaments they are supposed to be.

    I’ve always thought the more savage the dog the smaller the owners appendage.

  • Same with me the bloke behind us has a yappy small dog,it barks all day in the back yard, it drives the neighbours and us up the wall. Yet he will not do anything about it as it doesn’t bark when he is at home, and he can’t believe that we don’t love the dog as he does. I am very tempted to throw some chocolate over the back fence. What is wrong with animal lovers? That tv vet Dr whatshisname is completely bonkers and Hugh Wirth from the RSPCA is loopy, they just can’t see that it may be normal to be attached to an animal but that shouldn’t blind you to its problems. As for pitbull and other aggressive breeds well their owners are just plain stupid, besides killing the dogs I wouldn’t let the owners breed either.

  • Hmm.
    Neighbour next door to me several years ago had to shoot his dog.
    First it attacked one of the kids who was visiting their property, and who lived up the back, he was about 6..
    Second it attacked the granddaughter of the neighbour across the street, she was about 11 and riding a pushbike down the street at the time.
    Third it attacked his daughter on their property, she was about 6. When he disciplined the dog for attacking his daughter (I think he belted it), it attacked him.
    That’s when he decided to shoot the dog.
    He was not known around these parts for his grey matter.