Mr 70%

Rudd must be happy with his 70% approval rating as PM but he will also be holding his breath as Australians’ absorb the fact that he tells lies as well. KEVIN Rudd yesterday described how he purposely misled disgraced former West Australian premier Brian Burke to avoid attending a dinner being organised by the influence-peddler. He released emails to prove the point but does not talk of telephone calls that set up his withdrawal for the proposed dinner. The emails were obviously born out of desperation after a staffer or adviser pointed out to Rudd that dinner with a ex convict and king maker would look bad. When the matter was raised last year by Howard, Rudd blustered and told lies;
Mr Rudd said he was unaware of the ban on contact with Mr Burke imposed by then WA premier Geoff Gallop.
Bullshit! Everybody in Australia who reads newspapers was aware of the ban on contact with Brian Burke imposed by Geoff Gallop. You don’t even have to read between the lines to realize Rudd was talking to Burk as part of his plan of ascendancy to the chair he holds today. Also;
Mr Rudd said he had no recollection of discussing the Labor Party leadership with Mr Burke at any time.
Yeah, right! The issue will most probably fade as the media are enjoying the honeymoon just as much as the ALP but some supporters must be feeling a little uneasy. The discerning ones at least. UPDATE:Peter van Onselen writing for the Australian delves deeper.